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The CID Number appears on each page of the manuscript. The complete citation is used on the first page, and an abbreviated version on subsequent pages. AuthorsNumbers in the index correspond to the last two digits of the six-digit citation identifier (CID) article numbering system used in Proceedings of SPIE. The first four digits reflect the volume number. Base 36 numbering is employed for the last two digits and indicates the order of articles within the volume. Numbers start with 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 0A, 0B…0Z, followed by 10-1Z, 20-2Z, etc. Abderrahmane, Ilyes Hadj, 36 Abe, Shinji, 4T Acciavatti, Raymond J., 2C Afacan, Onur, 2U Ahn, Chi Young, 3M Al Assad, Omar, 2A, 5N Alberts, David S., 0N Alessio, Adam M., 24 Allner, S., 3O Anastasio, M. A., 0L Anderson, Nigel, 2Y Anishchenko, S., 1P Antonuk, Larry E., 0F Arakita, K., 2O Arvidsson, Jonathan, 2J Asai, Yoshiyuki, 4B Aso, Tomohiko, 46 Aurumskjöld, Marie-Louise, 4I Avignon, Gregoire, 5N Aygun, N., 07 Azhari, Haim, 04 Badal, A., 1G Badea, C. T., 0B, 22, 23 Baek, Jongduk, 39, 4O Bakic, Predrag R., 2C, 3E Ballabriga, Rafael, 4X Barber, W., 22 Barrett, Harrison H., 0N Barufaldi, Bruno, 2C Bashir, Sajid, 54 Basta, D., 0K Båth, Magnus, 2J Baturin, Pavlo, 4G Baumbach, Tilo, 4X Bednarek, Daniel R., 1C, 2I, 30, 43, 44, 4L Bell, Stephen, 2Y Bellazzini, R., 0K Beller, Carsten J., 1E Berggren, Karl, 1U, 59 Bergner, Frank, 1Q Besson, G. M., 0Y Beylin, D., 1P Bhattacharji, Priya, 3S Bindschadler, Michael, 24 Birnbacher, L., 0M Bogaerts, Ria, 31 Borges, Lucas R., 2C, 5J Borlea, Mugurel V., 3R Bornefalk, Hans, 15 Börnert, Peter, 08 Bosiers, Jan, 0C Bosmans, Hilde, 1T, 2D, 31, 35 Boudry, John, 40 Brady, David J., 5E Branch, Kelley R., 24 Brehm, Marcus, 18 Brez, A., 0K Brody, S., 0L Burk, Laurel, 42 Burton, Christiane S., 19 Butler, Anthony, 2Y Butler, Phil, 2Y Calliste, Jabari, 28, 3J Cammin, Jochen, 50 Campbell, Michael, 4X Cao, Guohua, 4N Carbonez, Pierre, 2Y Carton, Ann-Katherine, 36 Case, Jason R., 4Q Castro, Kurt, 3A Caucci, Luca, 0N Cederström, Björn, 1U, 59 Ceh, Dennis, 3G Chabior, M., 0M Chen, Baiyu, 0W, 1R, 4E Chen, Elvis C. S., 3G Chen, Gong, 2K Chen, Guang-Hong, 0H, 12, 1J, 1M, 1O, 25, 38, 3N, 3X Chen, Han, 15 Chen, Yang, 2F, 2S Chen, Yicheng, 1A Chen, Ying, 3U, 5B Cheng, Wei-Chung, 3A Cherry, Erica M., 3Y Chodorowski, Artur, 2J Choi, Jang-Hwan, 33 Choi, Shinkook, 4O Choi, Sunghoon, 2Q Cieslar, Marek, 2P Cipiccia, S., 0J Clark, D. P., 0B, 22, 23 Claus, Bernhard E. H., 2A, 5N Cockmartin, Lesley, 35 Colbeth, Rick, 1I Constantin, Dragos, 33 Cook, Nicholas, 2Y Cotterill, Tony, 2Y Cunningham, Ian A., 0D, 19, 4A Damet, Jérôme, 2Y Dance, David R., 1T, 1U, 2D Dang, H., 07 Danielsson, Mats E., 15, 59 Das, Mini, 14, 1S, 52 Davidson, H. C., 3D Davis, Brian, 1B Debebe, Senait A., 34 Delogu, P., 0K De Man, Bruno, 0A, 2X, 2Z Demehri, S., 0V de Oliveira, Helder C. R., 2C, 5J De Ruvo, L., 0K Desai, Viraj N., 3A Diemoz, P. C., 0K Dixon, R. L., 2W Dong, Frank F., 32, 47 Dréau, D., 4Q Duan, X., 0W Duma, Virgil F., 3R Dunkerley, David A. P., 09, 0S, 1W Dustler, Magnus, 1H, 3E Edic, Peter M., 03 Ehtiati, T., 20 Elangovan, Premkumar, 1T, 2D El-Mohri, Youcef, 0F Endrizzi, M., 0K Erhard, Klaus, 1Q, 1U Faby, Sebastian, 0O, 4Z Fahrig, Rebecca, 1D, 33, 3Y, 51 Farag, Mina, 1E Fauler, Alex, 4X Fehringer, Andreas, 0M, 2E, 3O Feiglin, David H., 3H Fiebich, Martin, 2L Fiederle, Michael, 4X Figl, Michael, 49, 5H Fisher, Paul R., 1Y Fitzgerald, Paul, 03 Flach, Barbara, 18 Floor, Marianne, 5H Foos, David, 42 Franquiz, Juan, 34 Fredenberg, Erik, 1U, 59 Frey, Eric C., 0R Fritz, J., 0V Fujisawa, Y., 2O Fujita, Naotoshi, 4T Fujita, Yusuke, 4T Fujiwara, Shuu, 5O Fukui, Tatsumasa, 5O Funk, Tobias, 0S, 1W Galarreta-Valverde, Miguel A., 2B Ganet, Noémie, 2Y Gang, G. J., 20 Ganguly, Arundhuti, 1I Garrett, John, 0H, 1J, 25, 3X Garson, A. B., 0L Ge, Yongshuai, 0H, 1J, 25, 3X Geiger, Florian B., 5F Ghammraoui, B., 1G Ghate, Sujata V., 29 Gidcumb, Emily, 28 Gifford, Howard C., 1S Gilat Schmidt, Taly, 11, 4Y Glick, Stephen J., 4V Goldan, Amir H., 0E Gomez-Cardona, Daniel, 1M, 38 Gong, Hao, 4N Goryu, A., 2O Grant, D. W., 0J Grant, P. A., 0J Green, F. H., 5G Greenberg, Joel A., 1F, 5E Gu, Ning, 2K Guan, H., 0L Guimarães, Luciana T., 2T Gunsten, S., 0L Gutjahr, R., 0W Ha, Taeyoung, 3M Hagen, C. K., 0K Hahn, K., 3D Halaweish, A. F., 0W Hamann, Elias, 4X Han, Hao, 3K Han, Jong Chul, 4A Han, Xiao, 4M Haneda, Eri, 0A Hara, Akio, 46 Hassan, Laila, 41 He, Qing, 0P Heath, Michael D., 42 Heimann, Axel, 5F Heine, John J., 5L Heinzer, Susanne, 08 Herkommer, Alois M., 5F Hermus, James R., 0U, 0X, 4K Herzen, J., 0M Heußer, Thorsten, 18 Heuveline, Vincent, 1E Higashi, S., 2O Hinshaw, Waldo, 51 Hirohata, K., 2O Hoffmann, R., 49 Homann, Hanno, 1Q, 1U Homolka, P., 5I Hongo, T., 2O Hoppin, John W., 0N Horita, Tatsuya, 46 Hornegger, J., 3D Howansky, Adrian, 0G Hsieh, Jiang, 12 Hsieh, Scott S., 10, 1L, 1N Hu, Yining, 2S Huber, Ben, 15 Hummel, Johann, 49, 5H Hussain, Rubaiya, 4X Ihara, Kanyu, 46 Ikeda, Y., 2O Ikejimba, Lynda, 1A Inscoe, Christina R., 3J, 48 Ionita, C. N., 44, 4L Iordache, Răzvan, 0A, 36 Ismailova, Elina, 0D Izumo, Takehiro, 46 Jackowski, Marcel P., 2B Jacobs, Reinhilde, 31 Jain, A., 43, 4L Jaroszynski, D. A., 0J Jeon, Hosang, 2N Jeon, Kiwan, 3M Jeon, Pil-Hyun, 4J Jeon, Seong-Su, 4J Jha, Abhinav K., 0R Jiang, Hao, 0F Jiang, Ruijie, 2K Jin, Seong-Soo, 5C Jin, Yannan, 2X, 2Z Jo, Byungdu, 5C, 5D Jog, Amod, 0P Johansson, Henrik, 1U Johnsson, Åse A., 2J Jones, V., 5I Jorgensen, S. M., 0W Ju, Hyunseok, 4P Kaar, Marcus, 49, 5H Kachelrieß, Marc, 0O, 18, 21, 3P, 4Z Kacperski, Krzysztof, 2P Kahn, Paul, 1W Kallergi, Maria, 5L Kallon, G., 0K Kalra, Mannudeep, 2Z Kam, Soohwa, 2N, 4A Kaminaga, S., 2O Kandel, Bigyan, 14 Kang, Jinbum, 4P Kang, Sung-Ho, 3M Kano, A., 2O Kanwal, Bushra, 54 Kapadia, Anuj J., 1F, 5E Kappler, Steffen, 50 Karim, Karim, 0D Karlsson, Staffan, 15 Kato, Katsuhiko, 4T Katsumata, Akitoshi, 5O Kern, Katie, 41 Kessener, Yves, 0C Khobragade, P., 44 Kiarashi, Nooshin, 1A, 29 Kilburn-Toppin, Fleur, 1U Kim, Dohyeon, 5C, 5D Kim, Dong Sik, 37 Kim, Dong Woon, 4A Kim, Eun, 37 Kim, Hee-Joung, 2Q, 3B, 4J, 5C, 5D Kim, Ho Kyung, 2N, 4A Kim, Hye-Mi, 5C Kim, Junwoo, 4A Kim, Seung Ho, 2N Kim, Sungwhan, 3M Kim, Ye-Seul, 2Q, 3B Kirsch, D. G., 0B Kitagawa, Mayumi, 46 Knaup, Michael, 0O, 3P Ko, B. S., 2O Kodera, Yoshie, 4B, 55, 56, 5K Koenig, Thomas, 4X Koerdel, Martin, 5F Koliatsos, V., 07 Koniczek, Martin, 0F Kono, Hidetaka, 4T Kopp, Felix K., 2E, 2L, 4F Kraemer, David N., 3I, 58 Kratzke, Jonas, 1E Krol, Andrzej, 3H Ku, Jamie, 1W Kuchenbecker, Stefan, 0O Kuhlmann, Joel, 4E Kuntz, Jan, 21 Kusnoto, Budi, 4M Kuwabara, Takao, 3C Kuzmiak, Cherie M., 28 Laban, John, 2Y Lai, Hao, 5A, 5N Lakshmanan, Manu N., 1F, 5E Lambert, Andrew, 45 Lambert, Jack W., 03 Langan, David A., 2A, 5N La Riviere, Patrick J., 24 Lau, Kristen C., 27 Lebedev, Sergej, 0O, 3P Lee, C. L., 0B Lee, Changwoo, 39 Lee, Dong-Hoon, 3B, 5C, 5D Lee, Haeng-Hwa, 2Q Lee, Hyo Min, 27 Lee, Seungwan, 2Q Lee, Won-Hyung, 4J Lee, Young-Jin, 2Q, 3B, 5C, 5D Lee, Yueh Z., 26, 28, 3J, 42, 48 Lehto, Erkki, 1I Lell, Michael, 4Z Leng, Shuai, 0T, 0W, 1R, 4E Léveillé, Sébastien, 0E Li, Guang, 2K Li, Ke, 0H, 1J, 1M, 25, 38, 3X Li, Lihong, 3K Li, Si, 3H Li, Xiang, 32, 47 Li, Xinxin, 3V Li, Yinsheng, 12, 1O, 3N Li, Yuan, 05 Li, Zhoubo, 0T, 0W Liang, Albert K., 0F Liang, Zhengrong, 3K, 3S Liang, Zhihua, 14, 1S, 52 Linde, Jesper James, 0Q Lipson, Edward D., 3H Liptak, Christopher L., 32, 47 Liu, Langechuan, 0F Liu, Xuejin, 15 Liu, Yan, 3K, 3Q, 3S Liu, Zhonglin, 0N Lo, Joseph Y., 1A, 29 Loughran, B., 1C Lu, Jianping, 26, 28, 3J, 42, 48, 4N Lubinsky, A. R., 0G Lubner, Meghan G., 1M, 38 Lundqvist, Mats, 1U, 59 Luo, Limin, 2F Luo, Shouhua, 2K Ma, Chi, 1R Ma, Jianhua, 3K MacDonald, C. A., 41, 54 Mackenzie, Alistair, 1T, 2D Maes, Willem H., 0C Maidment, Andrew D. A., 27, 2C Maier, Andreas, 1D Maier, Joscha, 4Z Makeev, Andrey, 4V Malalla, Nuhad Abdulwahed Younis, 3U, 5B Manescu, Adrian, 3R Maneuski, D., 0J Mankoff, David A., 17 Mann, Steve D., 1K Marcomini, Karem D., 3F Marenzana, M., 0K Marin, Daniele, 05 Marschner, M., 0M Marsh, Steven, 2Y Marshall, Nicholas W., 35 Matiasek, Kaspar, 5F Matsumoto, Yuuji, 46 Matthews, James, 0Q May, Christopher A., 1N Mayo, John R., 19 McCabe, Bradley P., 0S McCollough, Cynthia H., 0T, 0W, 1R, 4E McGoron, Anthony J., 34 McKendrick, G., 0J McKinley, Randolph L., 1K Mei, Kai, 2E, 2L, 4F Mekkaoui, Choukri, 2B Milioni de Carvalho, Pablo, 36 Mistretta, Charles, 1B, 4K Moa, Elin, 1U Modgil, Dimple, 24 Mohamed, Ashraf, 51 Moore, William, 3K, 3S Morgan, Ashraf G., 32 Mu, Shou-Chih, 5C Mukoyoshi, Wataru, 46 Muller, Serge, 0A, 36 Müller-Eschner, Matthias, 1E Muryn, John S., 32 Nagai, Yuichi, 46 Nakamura, Tadashi, 46 Nakanishi, Satoru, 0Q Näppi, Janne J., 4F Nasirudin, Radin A., 2E, 2L, 4F Negrutiu, Meda L., 3R Nelson, Rendon, 05 Nishide, Hiroko, 5K Nishiki, Masayuki, 3Z Niu, Kai, 1O, 3N Niwa, Arisa, 4T Niwa, Naoko, 4B Noël, Peter B., 0M, 2E, 2L, 3O, 4F Nolte, Loren W., 29 Noo, F., 3D Nunes, Polyana F., 2C, 5J Oberhofer, Nadia, 1A Oberstar, Erick, 1B Odagawa, Tetsuro, 4T Oduko, J. M., 5I Ogawa, Koichi, 5O Okubo, Shohei, 55, 56 Olivo, A., 0K Ooga, J., 2O Ouadah, S., 20 Packard, N., 0V Palma, Giovanni, 0A, 36 Pan, Xioachuan, 06, 11, 3I, 4M, 58, 5M Pani, S., 5G Panta, Raj Kumar, 2Y Park, Chan Soo, 14 Park, Hye-Suk, 3B Park, Ji Woong, 2N Park, Su-Jin, 5D Pearce, Caleb, 26 Pearson, Erik, 5M Peerzada, Lubna, 41 Pelc, Norbert J., 10, 13, 1L, 1N, 4W Pelizzari, Charles, 5M Penchev, Petar, 2L Peng, Boyu, 0G Peng, Mark V., 1N Perlman, Or, 04 Persson, Mats, 15 Peters, Inge M., 0C, 2H Peters, Terry M., 3G Petersson, Hannie, 1H, 3E Petruccelli, Jonathan C., 54 Pfefer, Joshua, 3A Pfeiffer, Franz, 0M, 2E, 3O Pham, Dzung L., 0P Pickering, Mark R., 3L, 45 Pickhardt, Perry J., 1M, 38 Pietrzak, Jakub, 2P Podoleanu, Adrian Gh., 3R Popescu, L. M., 1G Potuzko, Marci, 26 Prakash, Prakhar, 40 Prevrhal, Sven, 08 Primak, Andrew N., 32 Proano, Cesar, 1I Rahman, Tasneem, 3L Rajbhandary, Paurakh L., 4W Rana, R., 43 Rana, Vijay K., 2I, 30 Rank, Christopher M., 18 Rashidnasab, Alaleh, 1T, 2D Rassner, U., 3D Raval, Amish N., 1W Razeto, Marco, 0Q Reboredo., D., 0J Reiser, Ingrid S., 3I, 58 Renisch, Steffen, 08 Riddell, Cyril, 5N Riess, Christian, 51 Ripton-Snyder, Jennifer, 1Y Ritman, E. L., 0W Ritschl, Ludwig, 21 Rodrigues, Miesher, 4V Rominu, Mihai, 3R Rose, Sean, 06 Roth, Erin G., 3I, 58 Roy, Snehashis, 0P Royalty, Kevin, 1B, 1O Rudin, Stephen R., 1C, 2I, 30, 43, 44, 4L Rummeny, Ernst J., 2E, 2L, 4F Russ, M, 1C Sabol, John M., 5A Saha, Sajib, 45 Sahbaee, Pooyan, 05 Salvagnini, Elena, 35 Samei, Ehsan, 05, 1A, 1F, 29, 2W Sanchez, Adrian A., 11 Sasada, Shinji, 46 Sawall, Stefan, 0O, 3P Scaduto, David A., 1Y Schaeffer, S., 1P Schafer, Sebastian, 1B, 1O Scherrer, Benoit, 2U Scheuermann, James R., 0E Schiabel, Homero, 2T, 3F Schick, Anton, 5F Schlemmer, Heinz-Peter, 4Z Schmidtlein, C. Ross, 3H Schoch, Nicolai, 1E Schöndube, H., 3D Scuffham, J., 5G Segars, W. Paul, 05, 1T, 29, 2W, 32, 47 Seller, P., 5G Semturs, Friedrich, 49, 5H Seneviratne, S. K., 2O Sengupta, Saikat, 4R Setlur Nagesh, S. V., 44, 4L Shah, Jainil P., 1K Shan, Jing, 26, 42, 48 Shapiro, Edward, 1I Shaposhnikov, D., 1P Shi, Luyao, 2F, 2S Shibata, Takayuki, 55, 56 Shin, Choul Woo, 37 Shunhavanich, Picha, 1L, 1N Sidky, Emil Y., 06, 11, 3I, 4M, 4Y, 58 Siewerdsen, J. H., 07, 0V, 0Z, 20 Silver, M. D., 4L Simons, David, 4Z Sinescu, Cosmin, 3R Singh, Jolene, 2U Singh, Tanushriya, 27 Singh, V., 1C, 43 Siqueira, Paula N., 3F Sisniega, A., 07, 0V, 0Z Slagowski, Jordan M., 09, 0S, 1W Smit, Chiel, 0C Smith, David S., 4R Smith, M. F., 1P Söderberg, Marcus, 4I Söderman, Christina, 2J Solomon, Stephen B., 5N Song, Ilseob, 4P Sousa, Maria A. Z., 2T, 3F Spandre, G., 0K Speidel, Michael A., 09, 0S, 1W Speidel, Stefanie, 1E Stamm, Aymeric, 2U Star-Lack, Josh, 1I Stayman, J. W., 07, 0V, 0Z, 20 Stepanov, A., 1P Stepanov, P., 1P Stierstorfer, K., 3D Stratis, Andreas, 31 Strother, Charles, 1B, 1O Subiel, A., 0J Sun, Nanbo, 3T Sun, Tao, 3T Suzuki, Katsuhiko, 0G Suzuki, Katsumi, 46 Svalkvist, Angelica, 2J Szczykutowicz, Timothy P., 0U, 0X, 4K Tachibana, Rie, 4F Taguchi, Katsuyuki, 0Z, 50 Tahir, Sajjad, 54 Tahtali, Murat, 3L, 45 Takemoto, H., 4L Tan, Shan, 3T, 3V Tang, Qiulin, 0Q Tang, Xiangyang, 57 Tanguay, Jesse, 4A Tao, Kun, 2X, 5A Tennmei, Kounosuke, 46 Thawait, G., 0V Tian, Xiaoyu, 2W Timberg, Pontus, 1H, 3E Tingberg, Anders, 1H, 3E, 4I Tkaczyk, J. Eric, 0A Tomkowiak, Michael T., 09, 0S, 1W Torii, Jun, 46 Tornai, Martin P., 1K Torres, Andrew S., 03 Touch, M., 22 Tousignant, Olivier, 0E Tovey, Deborah, 47 Trammell, Susan R., 4Q Trousset, Yves, 5N Tsuchiya, Saki, 4T Tucker, Andrew W., 28 Ur-Rehman, Mahboob, 41 Vancamberg, Laurence, 36 van der Burght, Roeland, 5H Van Peteghem, Nelis, 35 Vasireddi, S., 0L Veale, M. C., 5G Velroyen, A., 3O Viana, Rodrigo S., 2B Vieira, Marcelo A. C., 2C, 5J Vijayan, Sarath, 2I Vincenzi, A., 0K Vittoria, F. A., 0K Vrieze, Thomas, 4E Wakai, S., 2O Walker, Sophie, 2Y Wallis, Matthew, 1U Wang, Adam, 1I Wang, Gin-Chung, 4V Wang, Hui, 2X, 2Z Wang, Jing, 3K, 3T, 3V Wang, Quanzeng, 3A Wang, Xiaohui, 42 Wang, Xin, 2A, 5N Warfield, Simon K., 2U Weidinger, Thomas, 50 Weinberg, I. N., 1P Weis, Christian, 1E Weitz, Iris S., 04 Welch, E. Brian, 4R Wells, Kevin, 1T, 2D Welsh, G. H., 0J Whitwam, D., 5I Wiggins, S. M., 0J Willner, M., 0M Willsher, Paula, 1U Wilson, M. D., 5G Wollin, Ernest, 5L Woolfenden, James M., 0N Wu, Gongting, 3J, 42, 48 Wu, Meng, 1D Wu, Mingye, 2X, 2Z Wu, Yijing, 1O Wülker, Christian, 08 Xie, Lizhe, 2S Xu, Cheng, 15 Xu, J., 07, 0Z Xu, Shiyu, 3U, 5B Xu, Yuesheng, 3H Xuan, Xiao, 5A Yamada, Kanako, 4B Yamada, Koji, 4B Yamamuro, Mika, 4B Yamashita, Masanori, 0G Yamazaki, Misaki, 4B Yan, Ming, 2X, 5A Yang, Min, 1Y Yang, Qiao, 1D Yang, Yi, 57 Yao, Yangyang, 2X, 2Z Yao, Yuan, 13 Ydström, Kristina, 4I Yeabsley, Adam, 2Y Yeh, Benjamin M., 03 Yin, Zhye, 2X, 2Z Yoo, Yangmo, 4P Yoon, Sungwon, 1I Yoriyaz, Hélio, 2B Yorkston, J., 07, 0V Yoshida, Hiroyuki, 4F Yoshikawa, Kenji, 3C Youn, Hanbean, 2N, 4A Young, Kenneth C., 1T, 1U, 2D Young, Madison A., 4Q Yu, Lifeng, 0T, 0W, 1R, 4E Yu, Zhicong, 0T, 0W, 1R Yu, Zhou, 3Q Yun, Seungman, 4A Zackrisson, Sophia, 3E Zavarzin, V., 1P Zbijewski, W., 07, 0V, 0Z Zhang, Guozhi, 31 Zhang, Hao, 3K, 3S Zhang, Jiahan, 3H Zhang, Zhaoxia, 5A Zhang, Zheng, 4M Zhao, Qihua, 0F Zhao, Wei, 0E, 0G, 1Y Zhao, Wei, 3X Zhou, Otto, 26, 28, 3J, 42, 48, 4N Zou, Yu, 3Q Zuber, Marcus, 4X Zyazin, Alexander S., 2H
Conference CommitteeSymposium Chairs David J. Manning, Lancaster University (United Kingdom) Steven C. Horii, The University of Pennsylvania Health System (United States)
Conference Chairs Christoph Hoeschen, Helmholtz Zentrum München GmbH (Germany) and Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg (Germany) Despina Kontos, The University of Pennsylvania Health System (United States)
Conference Co-chair Conference Program Committee Andreu Badal, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (United States) Kirsten Boedeker, Toshiba Medical Research Institute USA (United States) Hilde Bosmans, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium) Guang-Hong Chen, University of Wisconsin-Madison (United States) Mini Das, University of Houston (United States) Mats E. Danielsson, KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden) Maria Drangova, Robarts Research Institute (Canada) Rebecca Fahrig, Stanford University School of Medicine (United States) Taly Gilat-Schmidt, Marquette University (United States) Stephen J. Glick, University of Massachusetts Medical School (United States) Michael Grass, Philips Research (Germany) Marc Kachelrieß, Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (Germany) Karim S. Karim, University of Waterloo (Canada) Hee-Joung Kim, Yonsei University (Korea, Republic of) Joseph Y. Lo, Duke University Medical Center (United States) Robert M. Nishikawa, University of Pittsburgh (United States) Jinyi Qi, University of California, Davis (United States) Magdalena Rafecas, Instituto de Física Corpuscular (Spain) John A. Rowlands, Thunder Bay Regional Research Institute (Canada) John M. Sabol, GE Healthcare (United States) Anders Tingberg, Lund University (Sweden) Bruce R. Whiting, University of Pittsburgh (United States) John Yorkston, Carestream Health, Inc. (United States) Wei Zhao, Stony Brook Medicine (United States)
Session Chairs
1 Physics of Contrast Enhancement Christoph Hoeschen, Helmholtz Zentrum München GmbH (Germany) and Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg (Germany) John Yorkston, Carestream Health, Inc. (United States) 2 Image Reconstruction Kirsten Boedeker, Toshiba Medical Research Institute USA (United States) Stephen J. Glick, University of Massachusetts Medical School (United States) 3 Detector Technology Karim S. Karim, University of Waterloo (Canada) Wei Zhao, Stony Brook Medicine (United States) 4 Phase Contrast Imaging John M. Sabol, GE Healthcare (United States) Bruce R. Whiting, University of Pittsburgh (United States) 5 Algorithmic Developments Hee-Joung Kim, Yonsei University (Korea, Republic of) Taly Gilat Schmidt, Marquette University (United States) 6 Computed Tomography I Rebecca Fahrig, Stanford School of Medicine (United States) Thomas G. Flohr, Siemens AG (Germany) 7 Photon Counting Imaging Marc Kachelriess, Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (Germany) Mats E. Danielsson, KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden) 8 Keynote and Novel Imaging Technologies Guang-Hong Chen, University of Wisconsin-Madison (United States) Christoph Hoeschen, Helmholtz Zentrum München GmbH (Germany) and Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg (Germany) 9 Measurements, Phantoms, Simulations Stephen J. Glick, University of Massachusetts Medical School (United States) Robert M. Nishikawa, University of Pittsburgh (United States) 10 Breast Imaging Hilde Bosmans, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium) Hee-Joung Kim, Yonsei University (Korea, Republic of) 11 Radiation Dose and Dosimetry Bruce R. Whiting, University of Pittsburgh (United States) Wei Zhao, Stony Brook Medicine (United States) 12 Performance Evaluation Joseph Y. Lo, Duke University School of Medicine (United States) Wei Zhao, Stony Brook Medicine (United States) 13 X-Ray Imaging Rebecca Fahrig, Stanford School of Medicine (United States) Mini Das, University of Houston (United States) 14 Computed Tomography II Marc Kachelriess, Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (Germany) Thomas G. Flohr, Siemens AG (Germany) 15 Tomosynthesis Despina Kontos, The University of Pennsylvania Health System (United States) Anders Tingberg, Lund University (Sweden)
2015 Medical Imaging Award RecipientsRobert F. Wagner Best Student Paper Award Robert F. Wagner was an active scientist in the SPIE Medical Imaging meeting, starting with the first meeting in 1972 and continuing throughout his career. He ensured that the BRH, and subsequently the CDRH, was a sponsor for the early and subsequent Medical Imaging meetings, helping to launch and ensure the historical success of the meeting. The Robert F. Wagner All-Conference Best Student Paper Award (established 2014) is acknowledgment of his many important contributions to the Medical Imaging meeting and his many important advances to the field of medical imaging. This award is cosponsored by: 2015 Recipients: First Place: Automatic discrimination of color retinal images using the bag of words approach (9414-54) I. Sadek, D. Sidibé, F. Meriaudeau, Univ. of Burgundy (France) Second Place: Automated pulmonary lobar ventilation measurements using volume-matched thoracic CT and MRI (9417-42) F. Guo, S. Svenningsen, E. Bluemke, M. Rajchl, J. Yuan, A. Fenster, G. Parraga, The Univ. of Western Ontario (Canada)