19 November 2015 Dynamical anisotropy of the optical propagation paths
Tatiana I. Arsenyan, Maksim V. Pisklin, Natalia A. Suhareva, Aleksey M. Zotov
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Proceedings Volume 9680, 21st International Symposium Atmospheric and Ocean Optics: Atmospheric Physics; 96801Z (2015)
Event: XXI International Symposium Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics, 2015, Tomsk, Russian Federation
Dynamics of laser beam intensity profile spatial modulations over a model tropospheric path with the controlled meteorological parameters was studied. Influence of the underlying surface temperature as well as the side wind load were considered. The increase of dynamic anisotropic disturbances saturation with the path length was observed. Spatio-temporal correlation characteristics of the directivity pattern in the signal beam registration plane were obtained. Proposed method of the experimental samples analysis on the base of chronogram with the following definition of the dynamic structure tensors array allows to estimate local and averaged projections of the flow velocities over the chosen spatio-temporal region and to restore their geometry in the zone of intersection with the signal beam. Additional characteristics suggested for the diagonalized local structure tensors such as local energy capacity and local structuredness are informative for the estimation of the inhomogeneities spatial dimensions, time of access through the section considered, the dynamics of energetic jets. The concepts of rotational and translational dynamic anisotropy are introduced to discriminate the types of the changes of the local ellipsoids axes orientation as well as their values. Rotational anisotropy shows itself in the changes of the local ellipsoids orientation, thus characterizing the illumination variation over the beam cross-section. Translational anisotropy describes the difference between the axes values for local ellipsoids.
© (2015) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Tatiana I. Arsenyan, Maksim V. Pisklin, Natalia A. Suhareva, and Aleksey M. Zotov "Dynamical anisotropy of the optical propagation paths", Proc. SPIE 9680, 21st International Symposium Atmospheric and Ocean Optics: Atmospheric Physics, 96801Z (19 November 2015);
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Statistical analysis


Structural dynamics


Atmospheric modeling


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