5 May 2016 Deorientation of PolSAR coherency matrix for volume scattering retrieval
Shashi Kumar, R. D. Garg, S. P. S. Kushwaha
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Proceedings Volume 9877, Land Surface and Cryosphere Remote Sensing III; 987705 (2016)
Event: SPIE Asia-Pacific Remote Sensing, 2016, New Delhi, India
Polarimetric SAR data has proven its potential to extract scattering information for different features appearing in single resolution cell. Several decomposition modelling approaches have been developed to retrieve scattering information from PolSAR data. During scattering power decomposition based on physical scattering models it becomes very difficult to distinguish volume scattering as a result from randomly oriented vegetation from scattering nature of oblique structures which are responsible for double-bounce and volume scattering , because both are decomposed in same scattering mechanism. The polarization orientation angle (POA) of an electromagnetic wave is one of the most important character which gets changed due to scattering from geometrical structure of topographic slopes, oriented urban area and randomly oriented features like vegetation cover. The shift in POA affects the polarimetric radar signatures. So, for accurate estimation of scattering nature of feature compensation in polarization orientation shift becomes an essential procedure. The prime objective of this work was to investigate the effect of shift in POA in scattering information retrieval and to explore the effect of deorientation on regression between field-estimated aboveground biomass (AGB) and volume scattering. For this study Dudhwa National Park, U.P., India was selected as study area and fully polarimetric ALOS PALSAR data was used to retrieve scattering information from the forest area of Dudhwa National Park. Field data for DBH and tree height was collect for AGB estimation using stratified random sampling. AGB was estimated for 170 plots for different locations of the forest area. Yamaguchi four component decomposition modelling approach was utilized to retrieve surface, double-bounce, helix and volume scattering information. Shift in polarization orientation angle was estimated and deorientation of coherency matrix for compensation of POA shift was performed. Effect of deorientation on RGB color composite for the forest area can be easily seen. Overestimation of volume scattering and under estimation of double bounce scattering was recorded for PolSAR decomposition without deorientation and increase in double bounce scattering and decrease in volume scattering was noticed after deorientation. This study was mainly focused on volume scattering retrieval and its relation with field estimated AGB. Change in volume scattering after POA compensation of PolSAR data was recorded and a comparison was performed on volume scattering values for all the 170 forest plots for which field data were collected. Decrease in volume scattering after deorientation was noted for all the plots. Regression between PolSAR decomposition based volume scattering and AGB was performed. Before deorientation, coefficient determination (R2) between volume scattering and AGB was 0.225. After deorientation an improvement in coefficient of determination was found and the obtained value was 0.613. This study recommends deorientation of PolSAR data for decomposition modelling to retrieve reliable volume scattering information from forest area.
© (2016) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Shashi Kumar, R. D. Garg, and S. P. S. Kushwaha "Deorientation of PolSAR coherency matrix for volume scattering retrieval", Proc. SPIE 9877, Land Surface and Cryosphere Remote Sensing III, 987705 (5 May 2016); Logo
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Electromagnetic scattering



Synthetic aperture radar

Electromagnetic radiation



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