9 March 2022 Smart feedback for reliable scanning: developing the OpenFlexure Microscope for medical imaging
Joseph Knapper, Julian Stirling, Daniel G. Rosen, Joram Mduda, Samuel McDermott, Catherine Mkindi, William J. Wadsworth, Richard W. Bowman
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Proceedings Volume PC12017, Complex Light and Optical Forces XVI; PC120170Z (2022)
Event: SPIE OPTO, 2022, San Francisco, California, United States
Conference Poster
The digital age and advances in engineering have triggered a wave of low-cost, accessible, and customisable microscopes. Already utilised for outreach, education and field work, the potential of these devices extends beyond accessible prototypes, and into microscopy in research and medical settings. The open-source, 3D-printed OpenFlexure Microscope is one such device, with development focused on supporting the diagnosis of malaria in sub-Saharan Africa. This project motivated the redesign and verification of core functionality, to ensure that automated scanning, focusing, and tiling of blood samples is sufficiently reliable to support the workflow of frontline healthcare professionals. This talk will cover examples of "smart" microscopy, where on-line analysis of data is used to identify and correct errors in the experiment.
© (2022) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Joseph Knapper, Julian Stirling, Daniel G. Rosen, Joram Mduda, Samuel McDermott, Catherine Mkindi, William J. Wadsworth, and Richard W. Bowman "Smart feedback for reliable scanning: developing the OpenFlexure Microscope for medical imaging", Proc. SPIE PC12017, Complex Light and Optical Forces XVI, PC120170Z (9 March 2022);
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