1 November 1996 Texture characterization and defect detection using adaptive wavelets
Warren J. Jasper, Stephen J. Garnier, Harsh Potlapalli
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Many textures such as woven fabrics and composites have a regular and repeating texture. This paper presents a new method to capture the texture information using adaptive wavelet bases. Wavelets are compact functions which can be used to generate a multiresolution analysis. Texture constraints are used to adapt the wavelets to better characterize specific textures. An adapted wavelet basis has very high sensitivity to the abrupt changes in the texture structure caused by defects. This paper demonstrates how adaptive wavelet basis can be used to locate defects in woven fabrics.
Warren J. Jasper, Stephen J. Garnier, and Harsh Potlapalli "Texture characterization and defect detection using adaptive wavelets," Optical Engineering 35(11), (1 November 1996). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.601054
Published: 1 November 1996
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Cited by 109 scholarly publications and 2 patents.
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Defect detection

Wavelet transforms

Electronic filtering

Digital filtering

Optical engineering



Denoising using higher-order statistics
Proceedings of SPIE (April 01 2003)
Discrete wavelet transform ASIC for image compressor
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