1 April 2003 Multiview connection technique for 360-deg three-dimensional measurement
Hongwei Guo, Mingyi Chen
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A new multiview connection technique for 360-deg three-dimensional (3-D) measurement is presented. The 3-D shape of a 360-deg object is usually obtained by two steps, first measuring the object from different views and afterward connecting all the views together. We determine the relationship between two adjacent views from their overlapping areas by a least-squares algorithm. To promote computability, the coordinate transform formula is expanded into a Taylor series, and a linear equation system is deduced, from which the relationship parameters between two adjacent views can be easily calculated. According to the resulting parameters, the connection of different views is performed by coordinate transformation in 3-D space. The two steps, parameter calculation and coordinate transformation, are iterated until the algorithm converges or the remaining error decreases below a given threshold. The 360-deg 3-D shape of a plaster statue is measured and reconstructed, thus experimentally demonstrating the validity of suggested method.
©(2003) Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
Hongwei Guo and Mingyi Chen "Multiview connection technique for 360-deg three-dimensional measurement," Optical Engineering 42(4), (1 April 2003). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.1555056
Published: 1 April 2003
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