26 June 2017 High speed imaging for assessment of impact damage in natural fibre biocomposites
Karthik Ram Ramakrishnan, Stephane Corn, Nicolas Le Moigne, Patrick Ienny, Romain Leger, Pierre R. Slangen
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The use of Digital Image Correlation has been generally limited to the estimation of mechanical properties and fracture behaviour at low to moderate strain rates. High speed cameras dedicated to ballistic testing are often used to measure the initial and residual velocities of the projectile but rarely for damage assessment. The evaluation of impact damage is frequently achieved post-impact using visual inspection, ultrasonic C-scan or other NDI methods. Ultra-high speed cameras and developments in image processing have made possible the measurement of surface deformations and stresses in real time during dynamic cracking. In this paper, a method is presented to correlate the force- displacement data from the sensors to the slow motion tracking of the transient failure cracks using real-time high speed imaging. Natural fibre reinforced composites made of flax fibres and polypropylene matrix was chosen for the study. The creation of macro-cracks during the impact results in the loss of stiffness and a corresponding drop in the force history. However, optical instrumentation shows that the initiation of damage is not always evident and so the assessment of damage requires the use of a local approach. Digital Image Correlation is used to study the strain history of the composite and to identify the initiation and progression of damage. The effect of fly-speckled texture on strain measurement by image correlation is also studied. The developed method can be used for the evaluation of impact damage for different composite materials.
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Karthik Ram Ramakrishnan, Stephane Corn, Nicolas Le Moigne, Patrick Ienny, Romain Leger, and Pierre R. Slangen "High speed imaging for assessment of impact damage in natural fibre biocomposites", Proc. SPIE 10329, Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection X, 103290P (26 June 2017); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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Digital image correlation


High speed cameras

Image processing

Image filtering

Optical inspection


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