Poster + Paper
27 August 2024 Keck AO high order wavefront sensing and control: opto-mechanical design
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Conference Poster
As part of the High order Advanced Keck Adaptive optics (HAKA) project, a state-of-the-art ALPAO 2844 actuator deformable mirror (DM) will replace the more than 25 years old 349 actuator DM on the Keck ⅠⅠ Adaptive Optics (AO) bench. The increase in the number of DM actuators requires a new set of pupil-relay optics (PRO) to map the 2.5mm DM actuator spacing to the 200μm lenslet spacing on the Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor (WFS). A new lenslet array with increased focal lengths will be procured in order to maintain current plate scales. HAKA will initially support science with the near-infrared camera (NIRC2), a single mode fiber fed spectrograph (KPIC + NIRSPEC) and a fast visible imager (ORKID). In addition, a new infrared wavefront sensor (‘IWA) is being designed to support science with ORKID and a suite of new science instruments: a mid-infrared coronagraphic integral field spectrograph (SCALES) and a fiber-fed high-resolution spectrograph (HISPEC). We present the opto-mechanical design of the HAKA DM, Shack-Hartmann WFS upgrades and the ‘IWA system. A mount for the HAKA DM will allow for quick integration and alignment to the Keck ⅠⅠ AO bench. The upgrade to the WFS PRO includes a new set of optics and associated mounting that fits within the mechanical constraints of the existing WFS and meets the requirements of the HAKA DM.
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Scott J. Lilley, Peter Wizinowich, Jonathan Steiner, Ed Wetherell, Jim Thorne, Eduardo Marin, Marc Kassis, Charlotte Guthery, Jacques Delorme, Antonin Bouchez, Mitsuko Roberts, Nemanja Jovanovic, Dominic Sanchez, and Philip Hinz "Keck AO high order wavefront sensing and control: opto-mechanical design", Proc. SPIE 13097, Adaptive Optics Systems IX, 130977B (27 August 2024);
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Adaptive optics

Wavefront sensors





Optomechanical design


FPGA adaptive optics system test bench
Proceedings of SPIE (August 25 2005)
ERIS adaptive optics system design
Proceedings of SPIE (September 13 2012)

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