13 May 1997 High-temperature measurements of reflectivity and heat capacity of metals and dielectrics at 1064 nm
Serge V. Garnov, Vitali I. Konov, Olga G. Tsarkova, Friedrich Dausinger, Armin Raiber
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The information on optical and thermal properties of materials at high temperatures is the base for any theoretical analysis of laser matter interaction processes. To evaluate the absolute value of energy deposited in the interaction area and to estimate the laser damage threshold one need possessing the knowledge on reflection/absorption coefficients and heat composition, irradiation and environmental conditions, surface and bulk temperature etc. the task of its direct numerical calculation becomes very difficult and the obtained theoretical estimations are unreliable. Up to now the only way of get the reliable values of the parameters mentioned is the experimental procedure. Among the other experimental techniques developed for measuring reflection/absorption coefficients at high temperatures, the based on an integrating sphere method is the most suitable, reliable and accurate one. The installation for high sped, high temperature measurements of optical and thermal properties of metals and dielectric materials is described. The system includes a specially designed photometric sphere, a chopped CW:Nd:YAG laser with output power up to 250W, which heats samples and simultaneously serves as a probing beam, and a high speed optical pyrometer. The set-up is fully computerized. The real temperature of targets is determined by a simultaneous measuring of brightness temperature and reflectively at about the same wavelengths. Different metals, ceramics laser active media - Al2O3:Ti3+ single crystals, and diamond CVD films have been investigated in air, vacuum and argon atmosphere at heating rates of 103-104 K/sec. The obtained data on high temperature optical and thermal properties of materials can be used at surface laser damage processes modeling.
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Serge V. Garnov, Vitali I. Konov, Olga G. Tsarkova, Friedrich Dausinger, and Armin Raiber "High-temperature measurements of reflectivity and heat capacity of metals and dielectrics at 1064 nm", Proc. SPIE 2966, Laser-Induced Damage in Optical Materials: 1996, (13 May 1997); Logo
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Temperature metrology








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