13 June 2022 In-line XPS metrology using unsupervised machine learning in high volume manufacturing
Paul K. Isbester, Ganesh Subramanian, Padraig Timoney, Taher Kagalwala, Dmitry Kislitsyn, Heath Pois, Mark Klare, Daniel Kandel, Michal Yachini, Wei Ti Lee, Vanessa Zhang, Mitch Shiver, Saurabh Singh, Parker Lund
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To further enhance performance of in-line XPS metrology we will demonstrate the benefit of an unsupervised machine learning approach to increase precision of critical metal gate film thickness measurements and quantification of doping concentration within source-drain junctions. Unsupervised ML efficiently separates process information from inherent noise in the XPS spectra to enable a noise-filtering that improves result precision. The observed precision improvements were utilized to increase wafer through-put by reducing the acquisition time while preserving precision, accuracy, and sensitivity when supporting high volume manufacturing.
Conference Presentation
© (2022) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Paul K. Isbester, Ganesh Subramanian, Padraig Timoney, Taher Kagalwala, Dmitry Kislitsyn, Heath Pois, Mark Klare, Daniel Kandel, Michal Yachini, Wei Ti Lee, Vanessa Zhang, Mitch Shiver, Saurabh Singh, and Parker Lund "In-line XPS metrology using unsupervised machine learning in high volume manufacturing", Proc. SPIE PC12053, Metrology, Inspection, and Process Control XXXVI, PC120530M (13 June 2022);

High volume manufacturing

Machine learning


Semiconducting wafers

Semiconductor manufacturing



Enhanced flexible mask specifications
Proceedings of SPIE (August 28 2003)
Matching analysis on seven manufacturing CD SEMs
Proceedings of SPIE (June 08 1998)
Cost of ownership for inspection equipment
Proceedings of SPIE (August 04 1993)

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