This article [J. Biomed. Opt. 20(5), 051019 (2015)] was originally published online on 19 December 2014 with several typographical errors, described below. On p. 8, the caption of Fig. 5 says: “Mean diffusion time of EG versus EG concentration in solution: EG study—dashed line (data taken from Ref. 33); glucose study—solid line.” The caption has been corrected to read “Mean diffusion time of EG versus EG concentration in solution: EG study—dashed line; glucose study—solid line (data taken from Ref. 33).” On p. 9, left column, the third line of the second paragraph, in the equation , the units have been corrected to . On p. 9, left column, the fourth line of the fourth paragraph, the line states “…of EG in water is .” The units have been corrected to . On p. 9, left column, in line twelve of the fourth paragraph, the line states “…the diffusion coefficient of water in EG as .” The units have been corrected to “”. This article was corrected online on 18 February 2015. It appears correctly in print. |
Cited by 47 scholarly publications.
Biomedical optics
Control systems
Laser applications