1 August 2002 Switchable Bragg grating devices for telecommunications applications
Serdar Yeralan, John Gunther, Dwight L. Ritums, Robert Cid, Milan M. Popovich
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Digilens is developing a new class of optical components based on the combination of electrically switchable Bragg grating (ESBG) and optical waveguide technology. One or more optical waveguides are formed on a substrate, which is used as one wall of a cell filled with an ESBG. The ESBG layer forms part of the waveguide cladding, so that the grating can interact with the evanescent field of the light energy traveling in the waveguide. This device architecture has been used to make electrically variable optical attenuators with more than 50 dB of controllable range, flat attenuation over the optical communications C band, fast (~ 100 ?s) switching speed, and encouragingly low polarization-dependent loss. initial results on a variable wavelength-selective filter are also reported.
©(2002) Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
Serdar Yeralan, John Gunther, Dwight L. Ritums, Robert Cid, and Milan M. Popovich "Switchable Bragg grating devices for telecommunications applications," Optical Engineering 41(8), (1 August 2002). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.1486457
Published: 1 August 2002
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Signal attenuation

Fiber Bragg gratings

Refractive index


Diffraction gratings

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