Masako Kobayashi, Hideo Wada, Toshihiro Okamura, Jun-ichi Kudo, Kunihiro Tanikawa, Soichiro Hikida, Yoshihiro Miyamoto, Shinji Miyazaki, Yukihiro Yoshida
Optical Engineering, Vol. 41, Issue 08, (August 2002)
TOPICS: Image enhancement, Mercury cadmium telluride, Infrared imaging, Image filtering, Capacitors, Imaging systems, Filtering (signal processing), Diodes, Readout integrated circuits, Image processing
We explain the technologies used for high-performance long linear arrays based on HgCdTe/CMOS hybrid multiplexers with bidirectional time delay and integration (TDI) functions and describe the development of the first high-resolution iR imaging system with a superextended graphics array (SXGA) format. Long-wavelength IR photodiode arrays are fabricated using liquid-phase epitaxially grown HgCdTe on a CdZnTe substrate. Each photodiode array consists of 480x8 element n + /n-on-p diodes formed by B+ implantation. Diodes with a 10.3-?m cutoff wavelength have a typical zero-bias resistance of 10 M? and a shunt resistance of 1 G?. Four CMOS readout integrated circuits (ROICs) are used for bidirectional TDI and multiplex operations, where each ROIC sums up and multiplexes eight signals from 120 channels. The ROIC also includes pixel deselection and gain control circuits along with the corresponding memory and writing means. The IR focal plane arrays (IRFPAs) have a typical noise equivalent temperature difference (NETD) of 18 mKafterTDI with F/1.55 optics and 10-?s integration. The IR imaging system adopts an interlace scan using the 480x8 element IRFPAto demonstrate a high spatial resolution of 1280 horizontal lines by 960 vertical lines (SXGA format) and an NETD of less than 30 mK. The unique algorithm for image enhancement is successfully confirmed to be efficient.