Dr. Archetti got her Bachelor and Master degree in Physics at Padova and at Trento University, where she worked on SiPM detectors characterization and toward the development of a FLIM (Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy) system based on a novel fast time-gated array of SPAD (Single Photon Avalanche Diode). She then moved to EPFL where she worked in Prof. Manley laboratory on advanced fluorescence microscopy methods. In this context, she participated to the development of a large field of view microscope, on the development of 3D localization algorithms and she realized a waveguide platform for DNA-PAINT microscopy (Points Accumulation for Imaging in Nanoscale Topography). In 2020, she joined the Laboratory of Nanoscience for Energy Technologies (LNET, Prof. Tagliabue) at EPFL as Postdoc to realize tunable metalenses and to explore metasurface solutions for on-chip microscopy. In 2020 she was awarded a Marie-Curie Individual Fellowship to develop a metalens based neuroimaging platform, a project she is currently pursuing in collaboration between Padova University (Prof. Dal Maschio laboratory) and EPFL.
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