Bruno Bêche is Professor of Physics at the University of Rennes 1 (IPR then IETR of CNRS). He is Honorary Member of the 'Institut Universitaire de France' - IUF Paris. His teaching activity took place in several universities (Besançon, Le Mans, Angers, Nantes and Rennes) as well as in engineering schools in France (ENSIM, Polytech Nantes, INSA and Centrale/SupElect), holding lectures in fundamental and applied physics (mechanics, optics and photonics, quantum physics, solids states physics, materials and physics of components) at all student levels of education. His research career started on the development of optical components based on lithium niobate as non-linear optical devices, and then he worked in the development of III-V semiconductors as components for the wavelength division, multiplexing and lasers (FEMTO-ST and LAAS CNRS, France and NTT Corporation, Japan).
At the University of Rennes 1 (IETR CNRS 6164 Institute of Telecommunications transverse IPR CNRS 6251 Institute of Physics) he started a new field of research, working since a few years in the development of various micro-resonators based on hybrid technologies which combine the use of polymers and plasma treatments, soft matter with fluidic and biology concepts. His research work covers both the theoretical description of the physical aspects of these photonic devices and also the technologies, the characterization and their applications as integrated sensors in metrology so as to measure various dynamic soft matter processes.Very recent applications concern process measurements in soft matter such as sedimentation rate, creaming, flocculation measurements, phase transitions measurements in biology and agri-food products ...
At the University of Rennes 1 (IETR CNRS 6164 Institute of Telecommunications transverse IPR CNRS 6251 Institute of Physics) he started a new field of research, working since a few years in the development of various micro-resonators based on hybrid technologies which combine the use of polymers and plasma treatments, soft matter with fluidic and biology concepts. His research work covers both the theoretical description of the physical aspects of these photonic devices and also the technologies, the characterization and their applications as integrated sensors in metrology so as to measure various dynamic soft matter processes.Very recent applications concern process measurements in soft matter such as sedimentation rate, creaming, flocculation measurements, phase transitions measurements in biology and agri-food products ...
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