Users of modern in vitro diagnostic systems demand accurate, precise, rapid quantitation of specific molecular and particulate species. Systems must also meet numerous sample processing and data handling needs. This course examines the origins, implementation and typical applications of optical spectroscopic methods in the clinical setting as well as novel detection systems for the evolving needs of the medical laboratory.
Parallel and combinatorial assay methods in chemical/biochemical testing, as well as mature techniques, can present challenges for reliable measurement and handling of multiple signals. Planar waveguide(PWG) sensors can address these challenges. This course will introduce engineers, scientists and managers to the fundamentals of optical waveguide sensors for solution and surface-bound samples. Emphasis will be placed on developing an understanding of planar waveguide theory as the basis for analyzing both PWG sensor technologies and examples of device implementation. Geometric and physical optics models, along with diagrams of the energy profiles of PWG-confined light, will be used to present basic concepts of guided wave optics as they appear in sensors. Although a modest amount of mathematical formalism will be provided, the emphasis will be on physical pictures of waveguide-light-analyte interactions. Brief descriptions of absorbtion, fluorescence and other spectroscopies will introduce their implementations as detection modes for sensors. Considerations of assay technologies, including immunological and DNA reagents, will establish a basis for methods of quantitative solute measurement at the waveguide surface. Specific sensor geometries, including the exposed guide, directional coupler and Mach-Zender configurations, will demonstrate general sensor principles. Surface plasmon resonance techniques will be analyzed and compared with dielectric waveguide measurements for optimal applications and to illustrate concepts of volume and surface sensors.