The Advanced Responsive Tactically-Effective Military Imaging Spectrometer (ARTEMIS) is
under development for tactical military applications and is the primary payload for the TacSat-3
satellite. The optical design for the telescope, imaging spectrometer, and high resolution imager is
Testing MODTRATM5 (MOD5) capabilities against NASA satellite
state-of-the-art radiance and irradiance
measurements has recently been undertaken. New solar data have been acquired from the SORCE satellite team,
providing measurements of variability over solar rotation cycles, plus an ultra-narrow calculation for a new solar
source irradiance, extending over the full MOD5 spectral range. Additionally, a MOD5-AIRS analysis has been
undertaken with appropriate channel response functions. Thus, MOD5 can serve as a surrogate for a variety of
perturbation studies, including two different modes for including variations in the solar source function, Io: (1) ultra-high
spectral resolution and (2) with and without solar rotation. The comparison of AIRS-related MOD5
calculations, against a suite of 'surrogate' data generated by other radiative transfer algorithms, all based upon
simulations supplied by the AIRS community, provide validation in the Long Wave Infrared (LWIR). All ~2400
AIRS instrument spectral response functions (ISRFs) are expected to be supplied with MODTRANTM5. These
validation studies show MOD5 replicates line-by-line (LBL) brightness temperatures (BT) for 30 sets of
atmospheric profiles to approximately -0.02°K average offset and <1.0°K RMS.
The MODTRAN5 radiation transport (RT) model is a major advancement over earlier versions of the MODTRAN atmospheric transmittance and radiance model. New model features include (1) finer spectral resolution via the Spectrally Enhanced Resolution MODTRAN (SERTRAN) molecular band model, (2) a fully coupled treatment of auxiliary molecular species, and (3) a rapid, high fidelity multiple scattering (MS) option. The finer spectral resolution improves model accuracy especially in the mid- and long-wave infrared atmospheric windows; the auxiliary species option permits the addition of any or all of the suite of HITRAN molecular line species, along with default and user-defined profile specification; and the MS option makes feasible the calculation of Vis-NIR databases that include high-fidelity scattered radiances. Validations of the new band model algorithms against line-by-line (LBL) codes have proven successful.
Atmospheric Correction Algorithms (ACAs) are used in applications of remotely sensed Hyperspectral and Multispectral Imagery (HSI/MSI) to correct for atmospheric effects on measurements acquired by air and space-borne systems. The Fast Line-of-sight Atmospheric Analysis of Spectral Hypercubes (FLAASH) algorithm is a forward-model based ACA created for HSI and MSI instruments which operate in the visible through shortwave infrared (Vis-SWIR) spectral regime. Designed as a general-purpose, physics-based code for inverting at-sensor radiance measurements into surface reflectance, FLAASH provides a collection of spectral analysis and atmospheric retrieval methods including: a per-pixel vertical water vapor column estimate, determination of aerosol optical depth, estimation of scattering for compensation of adjacency effects, detection/characterization of clouds, and smoothing of spectral structure resulting from an imperfect atmospheric correction. To further improve the accuracy of the atmospheric correction process, FLAASH will also detect and compensate for sensor-introduced artifacts such as optical smile and wavelength mis-calibration. FLAASH relies on the MODTRANTM radiative transfer (RT) code as the physical basis behind its mathematical formulation, and has been developed in parallel with upgrades to MODTRAN in order to take advantage of the latest improvements in speed and accuracy. For example, the rapid, high fidelity multiple scattering (MS) option available in MODTRAN4 can greatly improve the accuracy of atmospheric retrievals over the 2-stream approximation. In this paper, advanced features available in FLAASH are described, including the principles and methods used to derive atmospheric parameters from HSI and MSI data. Results are presented from processing of Hyperion, AVIRIS, and LANDSAT data.
The MODTRANTM5 radiation transport (RT) model is a major advancement over earlier versions of the MODTRANTM atmospheric transmittance and radiance model. New model features include (1) finer spectral resolution via the Spectrally Enhanced Resolution MODTRAN (SERTRAN) molecular band model, (2) a fully coupled treatment of auxiliary molecular species, and (3) a rapid, high fidelity multiple scattering (MS) option. The finer spectral resolution improves model accuracy especially in the mid- and long-wave infrared atmospheric windows; the auxiliary species option permits the addition of any or all of the suite of HITRAN molecular line species, along with default and user-defined profile specification; and the MS option makes feasible the calculation of Vis-NIR databases that include high-fidelity scattered radiances.
The MODTRAN5(1a, in press) radiation transport (RT) model is a major advancement over earlier versions of the MODTRAN(tm) atmospheric transmittance and radiance model. New model features include (1) finer spectral resolution via the Spectrally Enhanced Resolution MODTRAN(tm) (SERTRAN) molecular band model, (2) a fully coupled treatment of auxiliary molecular species, and (3) a rapid, high fidelity multiple scattering (MS) option. The finer spectral resolution improves model accuracy especially in the mid- and long-wave infrared atmospheric windows; the auxiliary species option permits the addition of any or all of the suite of HITRAN molecular line species, along with default and user-defined profile specification; and the MS option makes feasible the calculation of Vis-NIR databases that include high-fidelity scattered radiances.
The MODTRAN5(TM) (1a, in press) radiation transport (RT) model is a major advancement over earlier versions of the MODTRAN(TM) atmospheric transmittance and radiance model. New model features include (1) finer spectral resolution via the Spectrally Enhanced Resolution MODTRAN(TM) (SERTRAN) molecular band model, (2) a fully coupled treatment of auxiliary molecular species, and (3) a rapid, high fidelity multiple scattering (MS) option. The finer spectral resolution improves model accuracy especially in the mid- and long-wave infrared atmospheric windows; the auxiliary species option permits the addition of any or all of the suite of HITRAN molecular line species, along with default and user-defined profile specification; and the MS option makes feasible the calculation of Vis-NIR databases that include high-fidelity scattered radiances.
FLAASH (Fast Line-of-sight Atmospheric Analysis of Spectral Hypercubes) is a first-principles atmospheric correction algorithm for visible to shortwave infrared (SWIR) hyperspectral data. The algorithm consists of two main steps. The first is retrieval of atmospheric parameters, visibility (which is related to the aerosol type and distribution) and column water vapor. The second step is solving the radiation transport equation for the given aerosol and column water and transformation to surface reflectance. The focus of this paper is on the FLAASH water vapor retrieval algorithm. Modeled radiance values in the spectral region of one water vapor absorption feature are calculated from MODTRAN 4 using several different water vapor amounts and are used to generate a Look-Up Table (LUT). The water band typically used is 1130 nm but either the 940 or 820 nm band may also be used. Measured radiance values are compared to the LUT to determine the column water vapor amount for each pixel in the scene. We compare the results of water retrievals for each of these bands and also the results of their corresponding reflectance retrievals.
The MODTRAN5 radiation transport (RT) model is a major advancement over earlier versions of the MODTRAN atmospheric transmittance and radiance model. New model features include (1) finer spectral resolution via the Spectrally Enhanced Resolution MODTRAN (SERTRAN) molecular band model, (2) a fully coupled treatment of auxiliary molecular species, and (3) a rapid, high fidelity multiple scattering (MS) option. The finer spectral resolution improves model accuracy especially in the mid- and long-wave infrared atmospheric windows; the auxiliary species option permits the addition of any or all of the suite of HITRAN molecular line species, along with default and user-defined profile specification; and the MS option makes feasible the calculation of Vis-NIR databases that include high-fidelity scattered radiances.
A new matched filter-based algorithm has been developed for detecting and approximately correcting for shadows or other illumination variations in spectral imagery. Initial evaluations have been conducted with a handful of data cubes, including AVIRIS data. The de-shadowed images have a generally realistic appearance and reveal a wealth of previously hidden surface details.
Terrain categorization and target detection algorithms applied to Hyperspectral Imagery (HSI) typically operate on the measured reflectance (of sun and sky illumination) by an object or scene. Since the reflectance is a non-dimensional ratio, the reflectance by an object is nominally not affedted by variations in lighting conditions. Atmospheric Correction (also referred to as Atmospheric Compensation, Characterization, etc.) Algorithms (ACAs) are used in application of remotely sensed HSI datat to correct for the effects of atmospheric propagation on measurements acquired by air and space-borne systems. The Fast Line-of-sight Atmospheric Analysis of Spectral Hypercubes (FLAASH) algorithm is an ACA created for HSI applications in the visible through shortwave infrared (Vis-SWIR) spectral regime. FLAASH derives its physics-based mathematics from MODTRAN4.
MODTRAN4, version 2, will soon be released by the U.S. Air Force Geophysics Laboratory; it is an extension of the MODTRAN4, v1, atmospheric transmission, radiance and flux model developed jointly by the Air Force Research Laboratory / Space Vehicles Directorate (AFRL / VS) and Spectral Sciences, Inc. The primary accuracy improvements in MODTRAN4 remain those previously published: (1) the multiple scattering correlated-k approach to describe the statistically expected transmittance properties for each spectral bin and atmospheric layer, and (2) the Beer-Lambert formulation that improves the treatment of path inhomogeneities. Version 2 code enhancements are expected to include: *pressure-dependent atmospheric profile input, as an auxiliary where the hydrostatic equation is integrated explicitly to compute the altitudes, *CFC cross-sections with band model parameters derived from pseudo lines, *additional pressure-induced absorption features from O2, and *a new 5 cm-1 band model option. Prior code enhancements include the incorporation of solar azimuth dependence in the DISORT-based multiple scattering model, the introduction of surface BRDF (Bi-directional Radiance Distribution Functions) models and a 15 cm-1 band model for improved computational speed. Last year's changes to the HITRAN database, relevant to the 0.94 and 1.13 micrometers bands of water vapor, have been maintained in the MODTRAN4,v2 databases.
We report on the utility of a spectrograph flown on the Space Shuttle that measured ionospheric constituents including metal atoms and ions. The distribution of ions is shown for an organized pillar of magnesium ions extending more than 140 km of altitude.
Atmospheric emission, scattering, and photon absorption degrade spectral imagery data and reduce its utility. The Air Force Research Laboratory and Spectral Sciences, Inc. are developing a MODTRAN4-based 'atmospheric mitigation’ algorithm to support current and planned IR-visible-UV sensor spectral radiance imagery measurements. The intent is to provide surface reflectance and emissivity imagery data of sufficient accuracy for input into subsequent analyses of surface properties, effectively removing the atmospheric component. This report is the result of the application of the atmospheric mitigation algorithm to a NASA/JPL AVIRIS spectral image cube as a pre-processing step towards improving the performance of image categorization routines.
MODTRAN4, the newly released version of the U.S. Air Force atmospheric transmission, radiance and flux model is being developed jointly by the Air Force Research Laboratory / Space Vehicles Directorate (AFRL / VS) and Spectral Sciences, Inc. It is expected to provide the accuracy required for analyzing spectral data for both atmospheric and surface characterization. These two quantities are the subject of satellite and aircraft campaigns currently being developed and pursued by, for instance: NASA (Earth Observing System), NPOESS (National Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellite System), and the European Space Agency (GOME - Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment). Accuracy improvements in MODTRAN relate primarily to two major developments: (1) the multiple scattering algorithms have been made compatible with the spectroscopy by adopting a correlated-^ approach to describe the statistically expected transmittance properties for each spectral bin and atmospheric layer, and (2) radiative transfer calculations can be conducted with a Beer-Lambert formulation that improves the treatment of path inhomogeneities. Other code enhancements include the incorporation of solar azimuth dependence in the DISORT-based multiple scattering model, the introduction of surface BRDF (Bi-directional Radiance Distribution Functions) models and a 15 cm-1 band model for improved computational speed. Finally, recent changes to the HITRAN data base, relevant to the 0.94 and 1.13 um bands of water vapor, have been incorporated into the MODTRAN4 databases.
MODTRAN4, the newly released version of the U.S. Air Force atmospheric transmission, radiance and flux model is being developed jointly by the Air Force Research Laboratory/Space Vehicles Directorate and Spectral Sciences, Inc. It is expected to provide the accuracy required for analyzing spectral data for both atmospheric and surface characterization. These two quantities are the subject of satellite and aircraft campaigns currently being developed and pursued by, for instance: NASA (Earth Observing System), NPOESS (National Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellite System), and the European Space Agency (GOME--Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment). Accuracy improvements in MODTRAN relate primarily to two major developments: (1) the multiple scattering algorithms have been made compatible with the spectroscopy by adopting a corrected-k approach to describe the statistically expected transmittance properties for each spectral bin and atmospheric layer, and (2) radiative transfer calculations can be conducted with a Beer-Lambert formulation that improves the treatment of path inhomogeneities. Other code enhancements include the incorporation of solar azimuth dependence in the DISORT- based multiple scattering model, the introduction of surface BRDF (Bi-directional Radiance Distribution Functions) models and 15 cm-1 band model for improved computational speed.
A new, state-of-the-art atmospheric correction algorithm for the solar spectral range has been developed based on the MODTRAN4 code. The primary data products are surface reflectance spectra, column water vapor maps and relative surface elevation maps. In addition, a radiance simulation tool, an automated visibility retrieval algorithm and a spectral 'polishing' algorithm are included. Validations of retrievals have been carried out by analyzing data that encompass a variety of atmospheric and surface conditions. Some results and their implications for atmospheric correction and spectroscopy are discussed.
Atmospheric emission, scattering, and photon absorption degrade spectral imagery data and reduce its utility. We report on the use of an atmospheric compensation code for the visible and near-infrared, based on MODTRAN 4, that includes spectral analysis, accounts for interference to a given pixel by adjacent pixels, and provides a polishing routine to clear residual atmospheric spectral features common to a group of pixels. A NASA/JPL AVIRIS data sample is analyzed.
The GLO experiment is an on-going shuttle-based spectrograph/imager project that has returned ultraviolet (100 - 400 nm) limb views. High spectral (0.35 nm FWHM) and temporal (4 s) resolution spectra include simultaneous altitude profiles (in the range of 80 - 400 km tangent height with 10 km resolution) of dayglow and nightglow features. Measured emissions include the NO gamma, N2 Vegard-Kaplan and second positive, N2+ first negative, and O2 Herzberg I band systems and both atomic and cation lines of N, O, and Mg. This data represents a low solar activity benchmark for future observations. We report on the status of the GLO project, which included three space flights in 1995, and present spectral data on important ultraviolet band systems.
The GLO experiment includes a ground-controlled shuttle- based UV-vis-IR spectrograph and imager set, and has flown on four space shuttle flights, including three in 1995. Each flight returned limb-view on metal atom and ion emissions in the 80-350 km tangent height region. Improved optics provided 0.3 nm FWHM resolution in the ultraviolet, and simultaneous altitude profiles were routinely measured that spanned 150 km in tangent height with 10-15 km resolution. CLouds of metal ions, particularly Mg+, were observed in daytime above 120 km tangent height near the geomagnetic equator. The GLO project returned approximately 30 gigabytes of spectral data in 1995. The current high altitude metal ion emission measurements are reported here.
Limb observations of UV dayglow emissions from 80 to 300 km tangent heights were made in December 1992 using the GLO instrument, which flew on STS-53 as a Hitchhiker-G experiment. STS-53 was at 330 km altitude and had an orbit inclination of 57 degree(s). The orbit placed the shuttle near the terminator for the entire mission, resulting in a unique set of observations. The GLO instrument consisted of 12 imagers and 9 spectrographs on an Az/El gimbal system. The data was obtained over 6 days of the mission. Emissions from Mg+ and Ca+ were observed, as were emissions from the neutral metallic species Mg and Na. The ultimate source of the metals is ablation of meteors; however, the spatial distribution of the emissions is controlled by upper mesospheric and thermospheric winds and, in the case of the ions, by the electromagnetic fields of the ionosphere. The observed Mg+ emission was the brightest of the metal emissions, and was observed near the poles and around the geomagnetic equator near sunset. The polar emissions were short-lived and intense, indicative of auroral activity. The equatorial emissions were more continuous, with several luminous patches propagating poleward over the period of several orbits. The instrumentation is described, as are spatial and temporal variations of the metal emissions with emphasis on the metal ions. These observations are compared to previous observations of thermospheric metallic species.
Results of an analysis of intensified video photographs of a twilight venting of excess water from Space Shuttle are presented. The particle sizes, densities, and temperatures derived from the visible data are applied in estimating UV and IR radiances of the ice/vapor-containing volumes near Shuttle Orbiter, using a recently developed gas-transport/excitation model. The mean radius of the fragmentation-product droplets is 0.13 +/- 0.02 cm. This radius decreases by less than 5 percent over a 2.5-km initial flight path, and these particles survive for several hr. In the UV, intensities of radiation from the fragmentation particles fall off with decreasing wavelength due to the decrease in spectral irradiance of sunlight. In the IR, the mm particles are optically thick, while ice particles not greater than 0.3 micron are inefficient scatterer-radiators, except near 2.7 microns. The large-droplet component thus dominates the radiances even in projections to distant sensors, suppressing the severe spectral structure characteristic of the small droplets.
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