Proceedings Article | 3 November 2008
KEYWORDS: Statistical analysis, Remote sensing, Agriculture, Composites, Oceanography, Geography, Data modeling, Statistical modeling, Geographic information systems, Spatial analysis
Based on the 1988 and 2000 remote sensing data and the "3S" technology, we not only attempt to analyze the dynamic
change form the structure of quantity and spatial change of Land Use in Quanzhou City, but also use the representatively
correlation method to explain the interrelation between this change of Land Use and the social economic factors, by the
CANCORR program of SPSS. Furthermore, according to the viewpoint of Humanism, we try to find out the function of
the social power factors, the social culture factors which conclude natural view, axiology, dietetically custom, habitation
fashion and consumed tropism .etc and the developing industries of local color on the Land Use change. From this
research, the result show: 1) the structure of quantity of Land Use change remarkably from county to county, the most
reducing quantity of paddy field, dry land and garden plot are separately the county of DeHua, HuiAn and NanAn. And
the most driver factor is the developing industries of local color; 2) the type change of Land Use caused by the
production value of extractive industry, light industry and the third industry, basic contracture investment, output of tea
and fruit, convenient extent of road and income of per farmer and so on in Quanzhou City between 1988 and 2000. In a
word, the dynamic change of Land Use impact by more factors we have mentioned, and it's extend is more and more
multistage, especially in Quanzhou City. As we study, the dynamic change of Land Use is enslaved to human factors in
Quanzhou City.