Dr. Moshe Levy
Senior Physicist at GE Healthcare
Publications (16)

Proceedings Article | 17 November 2017 Open Access Paper
J. Piris, E. Murphy, M. Levy, G. Klumel, R. Diamant, B. Sarti
Proceedings Volume 10563, 105633A (2017) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2304202
KEYWORDS: Semiconductor lasers, High power lasers, Diodes, Astronomical imaging, Space operations, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Contamination, Single crystal X-ray diffraction, Reliability

Proceedings Article | 4 March 2016 Paper
Proceedings Volume 9733, 97330J (2016) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2212373
KEYWORDS: Semiconductor lasers, Optical simulations, Fiber coupled lasers, Fiber couplers, High power lasers, Diodes, Optical pumping, Volume holography, Holograms, Collimation, Semiconducting wafers, Fiber lasers, Tolerancing, Diffraction, Temperature metrology

Proceedings Article | 13 March 2015 Paper
Dan Yanson, Moshe Levy, Ophir Peleg, Noam Rappaport, Moshe Shamay, Nir Dahan, Genady Klumel, Yuri Berk, Ilya Baskin
Proceedings Volume 9348, 934806 (2015) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2079422
KEYWORDS: Neon, Fiber lasers, Reliability, Semiconductor lasers, Quantum wells, Fiber couplers, Single crystal X-ray diffraction, Laser development, Fiber coupled lasers, Diodes

Proceedings Article | 20 February 2015 Paper
Dan Yanson, Moshe Levy, Ophir Peleg, Noam Rappaport, Moshe Shamay, Nir Dahan, Genady Klumel, Yuri Berk, Ilya Baskin
Proceedings Volume 9346, 934603 (2015) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2079357
KEYWORDS: Fiber lasers, Semiconductor lasers, Cladding, Optical simulations, Neon, Thermography, Geometrical optics, Fiber couplers, Sensors, Polymers

Proceedings Article | 12 March 2014 Paper
Yuri Berk, Moshe Levy, Noam Rappaport, Renana Tessler, Ophir Peleg, Moshe Shamay, Dan Yanson, Genadi Klumel, Nir Dahan, Ilya Baskin, Lior Shkedi
Proceedings Volume 8965, 89650M (2014) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2039135
KEYWORDS: Fiber couplers, Semiconducting wafers, Neon, Fiber coupled lasers, Diodes, Continuous wave operation, Semiconductor lasers, Fiber lasers, Reliability

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