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UHECRs can be studied in two ways: either via direct detection of the secondary particles, i.e. extensive air shower (EAS), produced by UEHRCs interaction with the atmosphere, or by observing during night the track of the UV fluorescence emitted by EAS. The origin direction of the cosmic rays can be therefore determined.
While ground-based observatories are already operative, different optical configurations, based mainly on the Schmidt camera layout or double Fresnel lenses concept, can be envisaged for future space-based ones. Both solutions faced in the past technological issues: transmission and resolution at large field angles for Fresnel lenses and weight of the primary mirror for the Schmidt. However, recent advances in the technology of ultra-lightweight, large and deployable active mirrors made the Schmidt camera approach feasible, becoming the preferred option.
This work describes a lightweight Schmidt space telescope design for UHECRs detection conceived for a mission intended to orbit at 600 km altitude.
The instrument concept is a fast, high-pixelized, large aperture and large Field-of-View (FoV) digital camera, working in the near-UV wavelength range with single photon counting capability. The telescope will record the track of an EAS with a time resolution of 2.5 μs and a spatial resolution of about 0.6 km (corresponding to ~ 4’), thus allowing the determination of energy and direction of the primary particles.
The proposed design has about 50° FoV and a 4.2 m entrance pupil diameter. The mirror is 7.5 m in diameter, it is deployable and segmented to fit the diameter of the considered launcher fairing (i.e. Ariane 6.2). The Schmidt corrector plate is a lightweight annular corona.
This configuration provides a polychromatic angular resolution less than 4' RMS over the whole FoV with a very fast relative aperture, i.e. F/# 0.7. Thanks to its very large pupil and large FoV, the design could be fit for a space-based observatory, thus enhancing the science achievable with respect to the presently operating ground-based counterparts, such as Telescope Array and Auger. A key advantage of this catadioptric design over the classic all refractive adopted in the past is the higher attainable global throughput. This parameter guarantees to reach and fulfil the required instrument photon collection specifications.
Finally, this paper proposes another class of adapters to be optically coupled on each pixel of MAPMT detector selected, consisting of non-imaging concentrators as Winston cones.
The study is mainly addressed to a DIAL (Differential Absorption Lidar) at 935.5 nm for the measurement of water vapour profile in atmosphere, to be part of a typical small ESA Earth Observation satellite to be launched with ROCKOT vehicle. A detailed telescope optical design will be presented, including the results of angular and spatial resolution, effective optical aperture and radiometric transmission, optical alignment tolerances, stray-light and baffling. Also the results of a complete thermo-mechanical model will be shown, discussing temporal and thermal stability, deployment technology and performances, overall mass budget, technological and operational risk and system complexity.
The presented advanced detection system is a spaceborne LEO telescope, with better performance than ground-based observatories, detecting up to 103 - 104 events/year. Different design approaches are implemented, all with very large FOV and focal surface detectors with sufficient segmentation and time resolution to allow precise reconstructions of the arrival direction. In particular, two Schmidt cameras are suggested as an appropriate solution to match most of the optical and technical requirements: large FOV, low f/#, reduction of stray light, optionally flat focal surface, already proven low-cost construction technologies. Finally, a preliminary proposal of a wideFOV retrofocus catadioptric telescope is explained.
Remote measurement of dark-green canopy chlorophyll concentration by directional reflectance spectra
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