Proceedings Article | 18 June 2012
KEYWORDS: Solar energy, Wind energy, Renewable energy, Energy harvesting, Information operations, Associative arrays, Cesium, Homeland security, Telecommunications, Acoustics
Renewable energy is an important source of power for unattended sensors (ground, sea, air), tagging systems, and other
remote platforms for Homeland Security and Homeland Defense. Also, Command, Control, Communication, and
Intelligence (C3I) systems and technologies often require renewable energy sources for information assurance (IA), in
general, and anti-tampering (AT), in particular. However, various geophysical and environmental conditions determine
different types of energy harvesting: solar, thermal, vibration, acoustic, hydraulic, wind, and others. Among them, solar
energy is usually preferable, but, both a solar habitat and the necessity for night operation can create a need for other
types of renewable energy. In this paper, we introduce figures of merit (FoMs) for evaluating preferences of specific
energy sources, as resource management tools, based on geophysical conditions. Also, Battery Systemic Modeling is