Prof. Vladimir P. Vavilov
at National Research Tomsk Polytechnic Univ
SPIE Involvement:
Conference Program Committee | Author | Instructor
Publications (50)

Proceedings Article | 28 April 2020 Presentation
Proceedings Volume 11409, 114090A (2020)
KEYWORDS: Thermography, Buildings, Unmanned aerial vehicles, Data communications, Data processing, Photography, Imaging systems, Telecommunications, Optical testing, Inspection

Proceedings Article | 14 May 2018 Paper
V. Vavilov, D. Derusova, A. Chulkov, A. Serioznov, A. Bragin
Proceedings Volume 10661, 106610W (2018)
KEYWORDS: Ultrasonics, Inspection, Nondestructive evaluation, Vibrometry, Composites, Manufacturing, Radiation thermography, Thermography, Lamps, Transducers

SPIE Journal Paper | 30 March 2018
Olga Simonova, Arseny Chulkov, Vladimir Vavilov, Sergei Suntsov
OE, Vol. 57, Issue 03, 035105, (March 2018)
KEYWORDS: Thermal effects, Infrared radiation, Thermography, Satellites, Nondestructive evaluation, Infrared imaging, Optical engineering, X-ray imaging, X-rays, Electronics

Proceedings Article | 5 May 2017 Presentation + Paper
D. Derusova, V. Vavilov, S. Sfarra, F. Sarasini, N. Druzhinin, V. Nekhoroshev
Proceedings Volume 10214, 102140N (2017)
KEYWORDS: Optical fibers, Carbon, Infrared cameras, Ultrasonics, Transducers, Composites, Thermography, Nondestructive evaluation, Vibrometry, Statistical analysis, Inspection, Infrared radiation

Proceedings Article | 5 May 2017 Presentation + Paper
A. Chulkov, V. Vavilov, A. Moskovchenko, Y.-Y. Pan
Proceedings Volume 10214, 102140U (2017)
KEYWORDS: Composites, Thermography, Nondestructive evaluation, Numerical analysis, Visibility, Ultrasonics, Skin, Inspection, Thermal modeling, Aluminum, Water, Neodymium, Infrared imaging, Algorithm development, Foam

Showing 5 of 50 publications
Proceedings Volume Editor (2)

SPIE Conference Volume | 16 March 2008

SPIE Conference Volume | 9 April 2007

Conference Committee Involvement (21)
Thermosense: Thermal Infrared Applications XLVI
22 April 2024 | National Harbor, Maryland, United States
Thermosense: Thermal Infrared Applications XLV
2 May 2023 | Orlando, Florida, United States
Thermosense: Thermal Infrared Applications XLIV
5 April 2022 | Orlando, Florida, United States
Thermosense: Thermal Infrared Applications XLIII
12 April 2021 | Online Only, Florida, United States
Thermosense: Thermal Infrared Applications XLII
27 April 2020 | Online Only, California, United States
Showing 5 of 21 Conference Committees
Course Instructor
SC185: Transient Thermographic NDE
Transient infrared (IR) thermography is a powerful method of nondestructive testing (NDT) used by the aerospace industry. This short course provides an overview of fundamentals of NDT (TNDT) including cutting-edge test technologies and data-processing algorithms. A review of the properties of a subsurface defect and its host material are presented. Differences of using pulsed and harmonic wave thermal excitation are discussed. TNDT techniques are described and applied by creating defect maps. The course includes demonstrations of two-and three-dimensional thermal models that also illustrate their limits. Examples relate to composite and layered structures used in the aerospace industry, although the same principles apply to most structures. Special attention will be paid to standard and advanced data processing that provides a better reliability of defect detection.
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