Yong-Hwa Park received BS, MS, and PhD in Mechanical Engineering from KAIST in 1991, 1993, and 1999, respectively. In 2000-2003, he joined to Aerospace Department in University of Colorado at Boulder as a research associate. In 2003-2016, he worked for Samsung Electronics in Visual Display Division at Multimedia Business Department, and Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT) as a Research Master in the field of vibrating micro-opto-electro-mechanical systems with applications to 3D imaging, health sensors and display, multimedia systems. From 2016, he joined to KAIST as an associate professor of NOVIC+ (Noise & Vibration Control Plus) at the department of Mechanical Engineering devoting to researches on vibration, acoustics, vision sensors and AI-based recognitions for human-machine interactions. His research fields include structural vibration; system identification; event detection and condition monitoring from vibration and acoustic signatures utilizing AI; blood pressure and health monitoring sensors; and 3D/lidar sensors for vibration measurements. He has been working for SPIE Photonics West as a conference chair of MOEMS and miniaturized systems since 2013. He is a board member of KSME, KSNVE, KSPE, and SPIE. He works for KSME as an associated editor.
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