Run to Run systems for lithography are taking a critical place in the process control ecosystem [1] as the industry is pushing towards advanced nodes and tight specifications. As multivariate algorithms with context decomposition provide reactivity, adaptability, and monitoring efficiency, they can be limited by the feedbacks declared in the R2R model. Especially in lithography overlay where various machines can have different behaviors depending on layers and reticles. Adding to this complexity, the specificity for overlay is that it is always measured to a reference, that measure can be impacted by the reference process conditions and signatures can also propagate through the layers. In case of events on reference machines it is essential to be able to apply different process corrections depending on various lot history. Different process conditions were also found to be required for different products depending on tool couples (process/reference) to meet mix and match performance requirements. In such a configuration, classical feedback effects composing the multivariate R2R loops also need to evolve in concatenated effects, to be able to model coupling components not modeled until then. This work has been done at ST, in a high mix logic fab where many different technologies coexist on the same tooling, increasing complexity for APC control.