Atmospheric turbulence impacts on the propagation of electro-optical radiation. Typical manifestations of optical
turbulence are scintillation (intensity fluctuations), beam wander and (for laser systems) reduction of beam quality. For
longer propagation channels, it is important to characterize the vertical and horizontal distribution (inhomogeneity) of
the optical turbulence. In the framework of the First European South African Transmission ExpeRiment (FESTER)
optical turbulence was measured between June 2015 and February 2016 over a 1.8 km over-water link over False Bay.
The link ran from the Institute of Maritime Technology (IMT) at Simons Town to the lighthouse at Roman Rock Island.
Three Boundary layer scintillometers (BLS900) allowed assessing the vertical distribution of optical turbulence at three
different heights between 5 and 12 m above the water surface. The expected decrease with Cn2 with height is not always
found. These results are analyzed in terms of the meteorological scenario, and a comparison is made with a fourth optical
link providing optical turbulence data over a 8.69 km path from IMT to St. James, roughly perpendicular to the three 1.8
km paths.
A key component in any image-based tracking system is the adaptive tracking algorithm used to segment the image into potential targets, rank-and-select the best candidate target, and gate the selected target to further improve tracker performance. Similarly, a key component in any soft-kill response to an incoming guided missile is the flare/chaff decoy used to distract or seduce the seeker homing system away from the naval platform. This paper describes the recent improvements to the naval threat countermeasure simulator (NTCS) of the NATO-standard ship signature model (ShipIR). Efforts to analyse and match the 3D flare particle model against actual IR measurements of the Chemring TALOS IR round resulted in further refinement of the 3D flare particle distribution. The changes in the flare model characteristics were significant enough to require an overhaul to the adaptive track gate (ATG) algorithm in the way it detects the presence of flare decoys and reacquires the target after flare separation. A series of test scenarios are used to demonstrate the impact of the new flare and ATG on IR tactics simulation.
KEYWORDS: Temperature metrology, Atmospheric propagation, Radio propagation, Water, Radiometry, Sensors, Long wavelength infrared, Skin, Electro optics, Black bodies
The First European South African Experiment (FESTER) was conducted over about a 10 month period at the Institute of Maritime Technology (IMT) in False Bay, South Africa. One of the important goals was the establishment of the air-sea temperature difference (ASTD) homogeneity along the main propagation link atmospheric path since it is a basic assumption for most of the atmospheric turbulence models (caused by refractive index variations). The ASTD was measured from a small scientific work boat (called Sea Lab) moving along a straight in- and outbound track along the main propagation link path. The air temperature on-board was measured using standard weather sensors, while the sea surface temperature was measured using a long wavelength infrared radiometer, which was compared to the bulk sea temperature half a meter below the sea surface. This was obtained by an under water temperature sensor mounted on a ‘surfboard’ that was towed alongside Sea Lab. Vertical water temperature profiles were also measured along the main propagation path in order to determine the depth of the surface mixed layer and thermocline using a Conductivity Temperature Depth profiler (CTD). First results investigated the ASTD variation along the horizontal line-of-sight path used by the principal electro-optic transmission link monitoring equipment (i.e. scintillometer and multi-spectral radiometer-transmissometer system).
The First European South African Experiment (FESTER) was conducted over about a 10 month period at the Institute of Maritime Technology (IMT) in False Bay, South Africa. One of the principal goals was recording of static and dynamic thermal infrared signatures under different environmental conditions for both validations of existing thermal equilibrium signature prediction codes, but also to aid development of dynamic thermal signature models. A small scientific work boat (called Sea Lab) was used as the principal target and sensor platform. Painted metal plates of different thicknesses were also used as infrared targets on-board Sea Lab to study static/dynamic thermal signatures and were also fitted with pyrgeometers, pyrometers and iButton temperature sensors/loggers. First results focused on the variable of thermal signatures as function of environmental conditions and the accuracy of calculated source temperatures (from measured radiometric temperatures) compared to the physical temperature measurements of the plates.
KEYWORDS: Electro optical modeling, Atmospheric modeling, Temperature sensors, Sensors, Ray tracing, Humidity, Data modeling, Temperature metrology, Environmental sensing, Atmospheric sensing
The First European South African Experiment (FESTER) was conducted over about a 10 month period at the Institute of Maritime Technology (IMT) in False Bay, South Africa. One of the important goals was to validate atmospheric refraction and turbulence models. To achieve this goal it was required to measure the vertical profile of meteorological parameters and compare this to model predictions. A special helium kite balloon (Helikite) was used as lifting device for weather and temperature sensors to obtain a measured vertical air profile. This measurement was conducted in the middle of the atmospheric path for the principal electro-optic transmission link monitoring equipment (i.e. scintillometer and multi-spectral radiometer-transmissometer system). First results will focus on the vertical air temperature profile shape as function of general environmental conditions and the comparison to model predictions.
An overview is given of the First European – South African Transmission ExpeRiment (FESTER), which took place in South Africa, over the False Bay area, centered around Simon’s Town. The experiment lasted from April 2015 through February 2016 and involved continuous observations as well as periodic observations that took place during four Intensive Observation Periods (IOPs) of 2 weeks each, which were spread over the year. The continuous observations aimed at a characterization of the electro-optical propagation environment, and included standard meteorology, aerosol, refraction and turbulence measurements. The periodic observations aimed at assessing the performance of electro-optical sensors in VIS / SWIR / MWIR and LWIR wavebands by following a boat sailing outbound and inbound tracks. In addition, dynamic aspects of electro-optical signatures, i.e., the changes induced by variations in the environment and/or target orientation, were studied. The present paper provides an overview of the trial, and presents a few first results.
An overview of remote sensing activities at the Institute of Maritime Technology conducted in above and underwater applications will be reviewed. The above water activities will focus on electro-optic sensing, while underwater activities will focus on environmental characterization. A brief introduction of the defence research institute will be followed by a review of remote sensing activities for the following purposes; infrared signature characterization (extended and point targets, grey-body and spectral emitters, ship wakes), persistent surveillance (harbours, on ships, panoramic systems), atmospheric and maritime environment characterization (above and underwater e.g. sea/air temperature profiles, atmospheric MTF, turbulence). A short review of recent joint international trials conducted at the institute will be given. This includes a small targets trail, the False Bay Atmospheric Experiment (FATMOSE) and the First European South African Transmission Experiment (FESTER), which is currently underway. The small surface target trail focused on the electro-optic signature characterization of small surface targets (including wakes) and sea, land and sky backgrounds. FATMOSE focused mainly on characterization of atmospheric effects that influence electro-optic sensor performance, while FESTER will extend on above research efforts to also include the radio frequency spectrum (RF) and a significant oceanographic characterization effort in support of FESTER above water activities. The factors which make the False Bay location interesting for remote sensing electro-optic and environmental characterization experiments and the interesting results that are expected from the FESTER experiment will be discussed.
For users of Electro-Optical (EO) sensors at sea, knowledge on their resolution is of key operational importance for the prediction of the obtainable classification ranges. Small targets may be located at ranges of 20 km and more and the present day sensor pixel size may be as small as 10 μrad. In this type of scenarios, sensor resolution will be limited by blur, generated by atmospheric turbulence, easily being greater than 30 μrad (at 20 km range). Predictions of the blur size are generally based upon the theory, developed by Fried [1]. In this theory, the turbulence strength is characterized by the structure parameter for the refractive index Cn2, of which data are assumed to be available from secondary instruments. The theory predicts the atmospheric Modulation Transfer Function (MTF), which can be incorporated into the total system MTF, used in range performance predictions, as described by Holst [2]. Validation of blur predictions by measurements is a complex effort due to the rapid variations of the blur with time and the problems associated with the simultaneous acquisition of proper Cn2 data. During the FATMOSE trial, carried out over a range of 15.7 km in the False Bay near Simon’s Town (South Africa) from November 2009 to October 2010, these data were collected in a large variety of atmospheric conditions [3]. In stead of the atmospheric MTF, the horizontal and vertical line spread function (LSF) was measured with a camera with 5 μrad resolution. Various methods for the determination of the LSF and the associated problems are discussed in the paper. The width of the LSF is via its Fourier transform directly related to the MTF. Cn2 data were collected with a standard BLS scintillometer over a nearby range. Additional Cn2 data were obtained via conversion of the scintillation data from the same camera and from a high speed transmissometer, collecting data over the same range. Comparisons between blur and Beam Wander predictions and measurements from the FATMOSE campaign are discussed in the paper as well as their impact on the range performance of present day sensors at sea.
Various atmospheric propagation effects are limiting the long-range performance of electro-optical imaging systems. These effects include absorption and scattering by molecules and aerosols, refraction due to vertical temperature gradients and scintillation and blurring due to turbulence. In maritime and coastal areas, ranges up to 25 km are relevant for detection and classification tasks on small targets (missiles, pirates). From November 2009 to October 2010 a measurement campaign was set-up over a range of more than 15 km in the False Bay in South Africa, where all of the propagation effects could be investigated quantitatively. The results have been used to provide statistical information on basic parameters as visibility, air-sea temperature difference, absolute humidity and wind speed. In addition various propagation models on aerosol particle size distribution, temperature profile, blur and scintillation under strong turbulence conditions could be validated. Examples of collected data and associated results are presented in this paper.
During the FATMOSE trial, day and night (24/7) scintillation data were collected for point sources at a range of 15.7 km. We used simultaneously our MSRT transmissometer (in scintillation mode) and a high resolution imager for the scintillation measurement. Because of the large source and receiver aperture, corrections were made for the effect of pupil averaging, determined by the transverse coherence length. In the paper examples are shown of scintillation spectra in comparison with Kolmogorov's -5/3 power law and of the log-intensity character of the scintillation. Attention is spent on the saturation effect, occurring in cases of small apertures. By using the multiband scintillation data, we were able to investigate the color dependence of scintillation, of which examples are shown. Measured scintillation data are also compared with predictions from our marine boundary layer based TARMOS model. It appears that the performance of these predictions is hampered by the inhomogeneity of the weather parameters along the path. In the paper several data series out of the large amount of available data are presented, covering a few consecutive days of data with examples of extremely low scintillation levels, probably occurring in cases of near-zero Air-Sea Temperature Difference along the total pathlength.
During the FATMOSE trial, held over the False Bay (South Africa) from November 2009 until October 2010, day and
night (24/7) high resolution images were collected of point sources at a range of 15.7 km. Simultaneously, data were
collected on atmospheric parameters, as relevant for the turbulence conditions: air- and sea temperature, windspeed,
relative humidity and the structure parameter for refractive index: Cn2. The data provide statistical information on the
mean value and the variance of the atmospheric point spread function and the associated modulation transfer function
during series of consecutive frames. This information allows the prediction of the range performance for a given sensor,
target and atmospheric condition, which is of great importance for the user of optical sensors in related operational areas
and for the developers of image processing algorithms. In addition the occurrence of "lucky shots" in series of frames is
investigated: occasional frames with locally small blur spots. The simultaneously measured short exposure blur and the
beam wander are compared with simultaneously collected scintillation data along the same path and the Cn2 data from a
locally installed scintillometer. By using two vertically separated sources, the correlation is determined between the
beam wander in their images, providing information on the spatial extension of the atmospheric turbulence (eddy size).
Examples are shown of the appearance of the blur spot, including skewness and astigmatism effects, which manifest
themselves in the third moment of the spot and its distortion. An example is given of an experiment for determining the
range performance for a given camera and a bar target on an outgoing boat in the False Bay.
Knowledge on the marine boundary layer is of importance for the prediction of the optical image quality obtained from
long range targets. One property of the boundary layer, that can be studied rather easily by means of optical refraction
measurements, is the vertical temperature profile. This profile can be compared with the profile, as predicted by the
generally accepted Monin-Obukhov (M-O) similarity theory, such as applied in the EOSTAR model, developed at TNO.
This model also predicts the atmospheric turbulence profile, for which a validation can be done by means of scintillation
measurements. Along these lines we explored the data from the year-round FATMOSE experiment, arranged over the
False Bay (South-Africa). Because of the large amount of refraction and scintillation data, supported by extensive data
from various local weather stations, we could select the conditions for which the M-O theory is valid and determine the
particular conditions where this theory is failing. In the paper model predictions (including Angle of Arrival calculations
in non-homogeneous conditions along the 15.7 km path) and associated refraction and scintillation measurements are
shown for a representative variety of conditions.
The FATMOSE trial (False Bay Atmospheric Experiment) is a continuation of the cooperative work between TNO and
IMT on atmospheric propagation and point target detection and identification in a maritime environment (South Africa).
The atmospheric transmission, being of major importance for target detection, was measured with the MSRT multiband
optical/IR transmissometer over a path of 15.7 km over sea. Simultaneously a set of instruments was installed on a midpath
lighthouse for collection of local meteorological data, including turbulence, scintillation, sea surface temperature
and visibility. The multiband transmission data allow the retrieval of the size distribution (PSD) of the particles
(aerosols) in the transmission path. The retrieved PSD's can be correlated with the weather data such as windspeed, wind
direction, relative humidity and visibility. This knowledge will lead to better atmospheric propagation models. The
measurement period covered nearly a full year, starting in November 2009 and ending in October 2010. The False Bay
site is ideal for studies on propagation effects over sea because of the large variety of weather conditions, including high
windspeed, expected from the South East with maritime air masses, as well as Northerly winds, expected to bring warm
and dry air from the continent. From an operational point of view the False Bay area is interesting, being representative
for the scenery around the African coast with warships in an active protecting role in the battle against piracy. The yearround
transmission data are an important input for range performance calculations of electro-optical sensors against
maritime targets. The data support the choice of the proper spectral band and contain statistical information about the
detection ranges to be expected. In this paper details on the instrumentation will be explained as well as the methods of
calibration and PSD retrieval. Data are presented for various weather conditions, showing correlations between different
parameters and including statistical behaviour over the year. Examples will be shown of special conditions such as
refractive gain, gravity waves and showers.
The FATMOSE trial (FAlse-bay ATMOSpheric Experiment) running over a period from November 2009 to July 2010,
was a continuation of the cooperation between TNO and IMT on atmospheric propagation and point target detection and
identification in a maritime environment. Instruments were installed for measuring scintillation, blurring- and refraction
effects over a 15.7 km path over sea. Simultaneously, a set of instruments was installed on a mid-path lighthouse for
collecting local meteorological data, including scintillation, sea surface temperature and visibility. The measurements
covered summer and winter conditions with a prevailing high wind speed from the South East, bringing in maritime air
masses. The weather conditions included variations in the Air-Sea Temperature Difference (ASTD), that may affect the
vertical temperature gradient in the atmospheric boundary layer, causing refraction effects in the lightpath. This was
measured with a theodolite camera, providing absolute Angles of Arrival (AOA). Blur data were collected with a high
resolution camera system with 10 bits dynamic range. Specially designed image analysis software allows determination
of the atmospheric blur, while simultaneously providing information on the Scintillation Index (S.I.). This S.I. was also
measured by using the Multiband Spectral Radiometer Transmissometer (MSRT). The ratio of the transmission levels of
this instrument contains information on the size distribution of the aerosols along the path. In the paper, experimental
details on the set-up and the instrumentation are given as well as the methods of analysis. Preliminary results are shown,
including a comparison of measured blur and scintillation data with Cn
2 data from the scintillometer, correlation between
AOA and ASTD and comparison of transmission data with data from the visibility meter. Blur and scintillation data are
compared with predictions from standard turbulence model predictions, using Cn
2. In future studies the data will be used
for validation of propagation models such as EOSTAR.
During the False Bay trial (June 2007), the performance of a set of three optical sensors was tested against several small
surface targets in a coastal area: a hyperspectral camera, a camera with a rotating polarization filter and a high resolution
camera. One objective was the validation of a contrast and clutter model for the visual spectral band in this type of
scenarios. Another issue was to test the benefit of using a polarisation filter and a hyperspectral unit in front of standard
TV cameras. Finally the loss in identification capability of a high resolution camera at long range due to atmospheric
blur was investigated. Data were collected of targets in near-sun direction at ranges up to seven kilometers, in all cases
for down looking angles (targets below the horizon). Environmental parameters such as solar irradiance and windspeed
were measured as input for the contrast and clutter models. Spatial, spectral and temporal effects of the target contrast
and of the background clutter behaviour in the visual spectral band were determined as function of range and compared
with model predictions. Samples of data and predictions are presented in this paper. The spatial and temporal target
characteristics are of key importance for the development of algorithms for target detection, classification and tracking.
Finally, rules of thumb, based on the measurements and model predictions, on the detection and identification range
performances of specific optical sensors against small surface targets in a maritime environment are presented.
Present-day naval operations take place in coastal environments as well as narrow straits all over the world. Coastal
environments around the world are exhibiting a number of threats to naval forces. In particular a large number of
asymmetric threats can be present in environments with cluttered backgrounds as well as rapidly varying atmospheric
conditions. During trials executed in False Bay a large amount of target, background and atmosphere data was gathered
that is of use in analysis of optical characteristics of targets and backgrounds. During the trials a variety of backgrounds
were recorded. We have used these backgrounds to validate the TNO background model MIBS to incorporate also
coastal backgrounds and sunlit sea backgrounds. In the paper we show results of the background analysis, for coastal
bay backgrounds. In particular the detection of small targets by automatic system may be hampered by small surface
structure variations at the surface and near the horizon. The data that we analyzed are sea surface structure, temporal
behaviour, and spectral differences during different environmental conditions that occurred during the trials. This data is
essential to feed detection algorithms, and performance models for the assessment of sensor performance in coastal
Present-day naval operations take place in coastal environments as well as narrow straits all over the world. Coastal
environments around the world are exhibiting a number of threats to naval forces. In particular a large number of
asymmetric threats can be present in environments with cluttered backgrounds as well as rapidly varying atmospheric
conditions. During trials executed in False Bay a large amount of target, background and atmosphere data was gathered
that is of use in analysis of optical characteristics of targets and backgrounds. During the trials a variety of backgrounds
were recorded. We have used these backgrounds to validate the TNO background model MIBS to incorporate also
coastal backgrounds and sunlit sea backgrounds. In the paper we show results of the background analysis, for coastal
bay backgrounds. In particular the detection of small targets by automatic system may be hampered by small surface
structure variations at the surface and near the horizon. The data that we analyzed are sea surface structure, temporal
behaviour, and spectral differences during different environmental conditions that occurred during the trials. This data is
essential to feed detection algorithms, and performance models for the assessment of sensor performance in coastal
environment. Some sensor management approaches for application in IRST systems is discussed.
Present-day naval operations take place in coastal environments as well as narrow straits all over the world. Coastal
environments around the world are exhibiting a number of threats to naval forces. In particular a large number of
asymmetric threats can be present in environments with cluttered backgrounds as well as rapidly varying atmospheric
conditions. In these conditions the threat contrast may be low and varying, and the amount of background clutter can be
severe. These conditions require the electro-optical means of detection and classification to be optimized in order to
have more time to act against threats. In particular the assessment of classification means is an important issue. Beside
short-range coastal paths, long-range horizontal paths with variable atmospheric conditions are of interest. The small
differences between types of vessel can help us determine the classification of the vessel type. Different payloads and
people on-board can be clues to the classification of the vessel. Operations in warmer environments, limiting the
atmospheric transmission due to water vapour absorption, are challenging. Understanding of the impact of the different
environments on the optical characteristics of threats is of great importance. For this purpose a trial was planned to
assess the optical characteristics of different types of small surface vessels in a coastal environment. During this trial a
number of small targets were used during different parts of the day and night. Furthermore positional as well as
atmospheric characterisation was performed as ground truth information. From this data a first analysis was performed
showing strong intensity fluctuation in target as well as background signal levels. At longer ranges and in coastal
environments these target signals may well be hidden within the background clutter. This data is essential to feed
models for the assessment of sensor performance in coastal environment.
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