Presentation + Paper
12 November 2024 Requirements and strategies of High-NA EUV mask using MBMW
Yoonjung Cho, Inhwan Noh, Jongmun Park, Byungsup Ahn, Hongsu Kim, Minji Kim, Yuri Kim, Ueba Ryosuke, Changyoung Jeong, Jin Choi, Sang-Hee Lee
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High-resolution EUV mask patterning capability has been one of the key factors to enable sub-10nm nanofabrication. Especially, the emergence of the Multi-Beam Mask writer (MBMW) in photomask lithography was a breakthrough for achieving the write time independent of pattern complexity with fine resolution, opening the EUV era. However, as the transition towards high-NA EUV technology is ongoing to extend Moore’s law beyond 2nm-node and over, the novel exposure system challenges photomask manufacturing for higher resolution, accurate patterning fidelity and higher overlay due to 40% reduced resolution limit. Therefore, development of photomask lithography technologies including improved mask writer, photoresist, new materials of the substrate, and optimized EUV process is necessary to meet the desired minimum feature size and local fidelity such as local CDU, line edge roughness (LER) etc. In this paper, we aim to establish the evaluation method for optimized photomask process in upcoming high-NA EUV era. We analyze the budget of each factor contributing to EUV mask patterning performance including locality and resolution, and evaluate the total process window using MBMW. Finally, we discuss the comprehensive requirements and strategies on MBMW technology and relevant process to satisfy the mask patterning in the next generations from EUV mask maker's point of view.
Conference Presentation
© (2024) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Yoonjung Cho, Inhwan Noh, Jongmun Park, Byungsup Ahn, Hongsu Kim, Minji Kim, Yuri Kim, Ueba Ryosuke, Changyoung Jeong, Jin Choi, and Sang-Hee Lee "Requirements and strategies of High-NA EUV mask using MBMW", Proc. SPIE 13216, Photomask Technology 2024, 132160E (12 November 2024);
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Extreme ultraviolet



Optical lithography

Extreme ultraviolet lithography

3D mask effects

Electron beam lithography

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