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A moveable mirror assembly focusses the X-ray light to the focal plane of the WFI. The instrument consists of two separate detectors, one with a large DEPFET array of 512x512 pixels and one small and fast detector with 64x64 DEPFET pixels and a readout time of only 80 μs. The mirror system will achieve an angular resolution of 5” HEW. The rather large field of view of 40’x40’ in combination with rather high power consumption is challenging not only for the thermal control system.
DEPFET sensors as well as front-end electronics and electronics boxes have to be cooled, where a completely passive cooling system with radiators and heat pipes is highly favored. In order to reduce the necessary radiator area, three separate cooling chains with three different temperature levels have been foreseen. So only the DEPFET sensors are cooled down to the lowest temperature of about 190K, while the front-end electronics is supposed to be operated between 250K and 290K. The electronics boxes can be operated at room temperature, nevertheless the excess heat has to be removed.
After first estimations of heat loads and radiator areas, a more detailed model of the camera head has been used to identify gradients between the cooling interfaces and the components to be cooled. This information is used within phase A1 of the project to further optimize the design of the instrument, e.g. material selection.
The data processing electronics within the WFI instrument is distributed over several subsystems: DEPFET sensors sensitive in the x-ray energy regime and front-end electronics are located inside the Camera Head. Data pre-processing inside the Detector Electronics will be performed in an FPGA-based frame-processor. FPGA external memory will be used to store offset and noise maps wherefore memory controllers have to be developed. Fast read and write access to the maps combined with robustness against radiation damage (e.g. bit-flips) has to be ensured by the frame-processor design.
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