Dr. Robert J. Socha
Imaging Scientist at ASML
SPIE Involvement:
Author | Instructor
Publications (105)

Proceedings Article | 25 March 2020 Paper
Proceedings Volume 11328, 113280V (2020) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2554799

Proceedings Article | 20 March 2019 Paper
Henry Megens, Ralph Brinkhof, Igor Aarts, Haico Kok, Leendertjan Karssemeijer, Gijs ten Haaf, Shawn Lee, Daan Slotboom, Chris de Ruiter, Irina Lyulina, Simon Huisman, Stefan Keij, Evert Mos, Wim Tel, Manouk Rijpstra, Emil Schmitt-Weaver, Kaustuve Bhattacharyya, Robert Socha, Boris Menchtchikov, Michael Kubis, Jan Mulkens
Proceedings Volume 10961, 109610K (2019) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2515449
KEYWORDS: Lithographic process control, Semiconducting wafers, Optical alignment, Overlay metrology, Sensors, Distortion, Scanners, Logic, Metrology, Process control

Proceedings Article | 20 March 2018 Paper
Boris Menchtchikov, Robert Socha, Chumeng Zheng, Sudhar Raghunathan, Igor Aarts, Krishanu Shome, Jonathan Lee, Chris de Ruiter, Manouk Rijpstra, Henry Megens, Ralph Brinkhof, Floris Teeuwisse, Leendertjan Karssemeijer, Irina Lyulina, Chung-Tien Li, Jan Hermans, Philippe Leray
Proceedings Volume 10587, 105870C (2018) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2297493
KEYWORDS: Optical alignment, Monte Carlo methods, Overlay metrology, Polarization, Sensors, Chemical mechanical planarization, Etching, Scanners

Proceedings Article | 30 March 2017 Paper
Proceedings Volume 10147, 101471C (2017) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2259750
KEYWORDS: Far infrared, Optical alignment, Semiconducting wafers, Sensors, Signal detection, Avalanche photodetectors, Signal processing, Scanners, Optical lithography, Overlay metrology

Proceedings Article | 24 March 2017 Paper
Yow-Gwo Wang, Stephen Hsu, Robert Socha, Andy Neureuther, Patrick Naulleau
Proceedings Volume 10143, 1014320 (2017) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2260160
KEYWORDS: SRAF, Photomasks, Extreme ultraviolet lithography, 3D image processing, Diffraction, 3D modeling, Zernike polynomials, Imaging systems, Image processing, Lithographic illumination, Critical dimension metrology

Showing 5 of 105 publications
Conference Committee Involvement (5)
SPIE Photomask Technology
10 September 2013 | Monterey, California, United States
Photomask Technology
11 September 2012 | Monterey, California, United States
Photomask Technology
19 September 2011 | Monterey, California, United States
Photomask Technology
13 September 2010 | Monterey, California, United States
Photomask Technology
15 September 2009 | Monterey, California, United States
Course Instructor
SC707: Basics of Optical Imaging in Microlithography: A Hands-on Approach
A basic 'hands on' lecture is presented, in which students are given various optical components, including a source, lenses, gratings, etc., that are used to build a personal optical bench. Basic concepts of imaging, resolution, coherence factor, on-axis illumination, off-axis illumination, binary masks, phase-shift masks, etc., are examined by the students operating in small groups under the direction of the instructor. These concepts are related to real lithographic systems using basic principles and simulation. This course is intended to provide a foundation for the follow-on course, "Imaging and Optics Fundamentals in Microlithography" (SC706).
SC707B: Basics of Optical Imaging in Microlithography: A Hands-On Approach
A basic 'hands on' lecture is presented, in which students are given various optical components, including a source, lenses, gratings, etc., that are used to build a personal optical bench. Basic concepts of imaging, resolution, coherence factor, on-axis illumination, off-axis illumination, binary masks, phase-shift masks, etc., are examined by the students operating in small groups under the direction of the instructor. These concepts are related to real lithographic systems using basic principles and simulation. This course is intended to provide a foundation for the follow-on course, "Imaging and Optics Fundamentals in Microlithography" (SC706).
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